1112 definitions by The return of Light Joker

a pointless argument about trivial things(from a scottish word)
The keep turning things into argle bargle.
by The return of Light Joker November 10, 2007
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1. the weakness of an otherwise invulnerable or confident person (especially a heroic person), Achilles' heel

2. crystallized, smokeable cocaine
His only kryptonite was his obsession with political opinions.
by The return of Light Joker April 5, 2010
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1. very tired

2. intoxicated, especially with alcohol
He looked zonked when he got back.
by The return of Light Joker March 2, 2012
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to accept or attempt something tentatively
Let's try this routine on for size. (example of try on for size)
by The return of Light Joker September 20, 2010
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Don't keep popping those zits. You'll get an infection. (example of zit)
by The return of Light Joker August 31, 2009
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1. any potent liquor

2. a powerful and potentially dangerous drug
Lay off the hard stuff. Quit while you are ahead.
by The return of Light Joker March 27, 2009
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