109 definitions by The Moody Poet

Anything relating to Italy.

Slang word used to describe the geographical location of Italy.

To describe an Italian gay man's arsehole or an Italian woman's cunt.
"Yeh I'm headed over to the wogbox for a week to hear The Pope bitch about Islam and the Fatima Notes!"

"Yeh that Rice Queen wants to go another way tonight and give that wogboys wogbox a quick bang for 50 Euro's!"
by The Moody Poet September 16, 2006
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A Bull Dyke is a 'Hard Core Motha Fucka Lesbian' that will beat the living shit out of you if you even look twice at her!!!

A Bull Dyke is built like a tank and is not afraid to use her fists to pound you into the wall!!! Beware all men that cross her!!! See re-runs of Prisoner and look out for The Freak or Franky Doyle as stereotypical bull dykes.
Don't mess wit dat bull dyke man, she's wear'n steel capps and knuckle busters!

Is that a man? No man! It's a Bull Dyke!

Why do they call'em bull dykes man? Dunno... something to do with bull bars on a truck!
by The Moody Poet August 21, 2006
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To become immortal amongst emos and known as a demigod.

Spiritual descendants of emos or spiritual descendants of fallen angels.
All great Emo bands are emofied!

Jay and Kay are emofied from a previous life, and when they have kids, there kids will be emofied!
by The Moody Poet January 22, 2007
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Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali is known in Australia as the Meat Sheik for his comments on western women deserving to be raped if they do not cover up and wear a hijab i.e. the equivalent of a human condom or mobile tent dress.
The Meat Sheik has now shown Australia a side of Islam that is putrid and disgusting. See anti-rape wear for Islamic Fashion.

by The Moody Poet December 10, 2006
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When someone rapes a person using their finger or fingers.

The act of using your fingers to violate and force a sexual and violent act upon an unwilling victim.

To be fingered without consent.

To put yer fingers in someone's puss when yer not suppose to!

To force electrical equipment up someone.
A Masseur was jailed for digital rape under the Victorian Crimes Act for fingering one of is clients without her consent.
by The Moody Poet October 2, 2006
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2 B Horny!

Can also mean to be on edge, on your toes, or upset about something.

2 B upset and skirt around the issue.
"I'm toey!" "Blow me Bitch!"

"Why are you so toey tonight?"

"I'm pregnant! "Charles wants me to have an abortion ok!!!"

"Well that's a nice change, you knowing who the father is!"

"Now whose being toey you fucking paddle slap?"
by The Moody Poet January 7, 2007
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When you can't stop buying shoes.

When you need 2,000 pairs of shoes for just 2 feet!

When you substitute dick for shoes!
"Com'on Mom just one more pair of shoes!!!"

"Are you out of your fuckin' mind young lady!!!" "You already have over 50 pairs of shoes!" "What's wrong with you?" "Do you have Imelda Marcos Syndrome?"

KATE: You only have 2 feet? Why do you need all these shoes?
ROSE: I dunno I just need these shoes, and this will be the last I buy this year...
KATE: But there's only 2 more days left of the year.
KATE: What about helping the starving kids in Africa!
ROSE: Fuck'em! It's not my fault all their governments are corrupt!
KATE: Gee Rose maybe you need to see a doctor, I think your coming down with Imelda Marcos Syndrome.
ROSE: Hrmm probably...
KATE: Second thoughts maybe we should just get you laid by the first filthy beggar we come across?
by The Moody Poet January 5, 2007
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