28 definitions by The Grottomaster

Large cooked Italian pasta shells stuffed with pork sausage which all politicians savor following a long day at work. The dish is usually served along with boiled chitterlings.
I've been voting for tax bills all day long down at the legislature so will you make some swinolicci for supper tonight?
by The Grottomaster March 27, 2011
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Typically, these are mandatory tests administered at the behest of law enforcement, a court, an employer, or a medical clinic. The objective of the test, which is conducted by means of urine analysis, is different depending upon who orders it. Tests administered by law enforcement, the court, or an employer are conducted to determine if narcotic or illegal drugs are present in one’s urine. If it is present it will likely result in being charged with a crime or, the revocation of probation or, being fired. The purpose of a medical clinic mandated urine test is to make sure that a particular prescribed drug is present in one’s urine and, if it is not, or if non-prescribed drugs are present, the patient is issued no more narcotic prescriptions and is usually dropped as a patient of that facility. The underlying purpose of this test is to make sure that the patient is not selling his or her medication. If s/he has no presence of the prescribed drug in his or her system then it is assumed that they have unlawfully sold their medicine. Unfortunately, these tests are not one-hundred percent accurate.
I failed my piss test and the pain clinic dropped me as a patient.
by The Grottomaster May 8, 2015
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The remnants of the Republican Party, left in tatters, subsequent to the so-called Tea Party Movement manifestation. The Left Behind Republican Party is constituted of the leftovers, the politicians who were simply too single-minded and too corrupt to change over. As a result, there are now TWO Republican Parties. The Left Behind facet is a double entendre allusion to the popular book and film series, Left Behind, which focuses on the Christian Fundamentalist doctrine of "The Rapture".
The Left Behind Republican Party will certainly not earn Mitt Romney's endorsement since he believes in Women's Rights, or at least says that he does.
by The Grottomaster September 13, 2012
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The abbreviation for a galactic, altruistic, charitible organization, wholly known as "Kindness to Kinky Klingons".
I joined the K.K.K. last week and they already have me set up to mentor three retarded Klingons!
by The Grottomaster March 27, 2011
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The artistic product of the male pervert who climbs atop the photocopy machine naked, presses his genitals to the glass, and pushes the print button.
As the glass was clean on the photocopy machine last evening, and as it is smudged with crotch-cheese this morning, I suspect that the janitor was making Carbon cockprints all night.
by The Grottomaster April 22, 2011
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A psychological and abnormal fear of anything to do with beavers. Also, a personal prejudice against people who have buck teeth.
I started repairing the dam of my pond yesterday and my neighbor ran off screaming -- I think he has beavophobia.
by The Grottomaster March 27, 2011
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A vain, ignorant, and superficial middle-aged woman who unsuccessfully attempts to make herself look youthful by caking on make-up and by wearing the trendy clothing of college-aged females. This phrase is actually an older popular characterization which one occasionally encounters in classic literature and especially in Golden Age British mysteries.
Check out that noxious old heifer -- laced mutton of The First Water.
by The Grottomaster June 7, 2011
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