42 definitions by The Captive Spirit

The last thing you do before going to sleep at night. This may mean consuming a glass of red wine, taking sleeping tablets, reading in bed, making out with a loved one, or anything at all if you believe it will help you sleep.
Vince: Is that your late night remedy?

Tara: Actually I usually have a mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows

Vince: Nice!
by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010
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A phrase used by someone usually while they’re busy feeling sorry for themselves over a situation that has them so upset they’ve selfishly deluded themselves into believing no one else could possibly understand what they’re going through.

All they want is your pity but you won’t help matters if you give it to them
Kathy: Come on Simon. I just want to help you. why won’t you talk to me?

Simon: (Sighs dramatically) You wouldn’t understand
by The Captive Spirit September 15, 2010
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A less common way of referring to marijuana. Often used intentionally around those unlikely to know what it means to avoid them suspecting what you’re up to.
Jack: Hey Sim you want to come out tonight and get some kaheeshi?
Sim: Geez man! A cop just walked by us.
Jack: Oh pfft! I doubt he knew what I meant
by The Captive Spirit August 25, 2010
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The act of breaking a confidence or revealing information that was shared with you in private for reasons that are deemed moral or otherwise necessary.
Jack knew it was a benign betrayal telling Kathy that her boyfriend was cheating on her even although he was a friend.
by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010
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An expression used by someone, sort of like a form of comical sarcasm, when they’ve clearly been caught red-handed doing something that otherwise may have gone unexpected. i.e. smoking or drinking
Jane: Who me? I’m innocent! Haha.

Crowd: Haha! Yeah. Right.
by The Captive Spirit August 24, 2010
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Similar to a "Hog On The Rocks" in that it's a foul-tasting alcoholic beverage consumed for the express purpose of becoming drunk. However this version is mixed with water and more often becomes a regular order.
Well here's to another crappy day working at the same office I've despised for the last fifteen years! Barkeep give me a Hog and Water.
by The Captive Spirit August 24, 2010
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A school student who can never get enough homework assignments, puts a lot of effort into them, and always hands them in on time. While some homework humpers may have a genuine interest in learning others are just overcompensating due to a lack of a social life.
Helen is a total homework humper. Give her three after school assignments and she’d still happily accept more
by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010
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