5 definitions by The L Team

When a dirty secret is revealed about somebody, preferably to large groups of people, while the person is present. Sourced from the dicovery of spankwire.com in someone's internet history.
"Gees how much porn is there in his internet history?! Come look!"
"Hey, guys get off my computer!"
"Haha, you've been spankwired"
by The L Team April 9, 2008
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A sexual innuendo actually refering to the art of graffiti.
I carefully lift the snake from its carrier; it hisses gently but soon quiets. As it is milked of its poison, strange shapes emerge before its eyes, produced by the toxic vapours it inhales, as we are fuelled by our own human intoxicities. When it is milked completely it allows itself to be put back into its bag, seemingly passive but always ready to strike.
"Hey man were you milking the snake last night?"
"Yeah, that was some scary shit in the dark"
"Amazing art though man"
by The L Team April 9, 2008
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The act that demands all people pause in their speech for a significant period of time after use of the words "come", "coming" and "came".
"how will you come...over to them"
"he came...over to us"
"were you coming...when this happened?"
"have you heard of the crazy Come Pause Act ; it's all the rage in Wiltshire"
by The L Team April 1, 2008
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The AOCP that demands all people pause in their speech for a significant period of time after use of the words "come", "coming" and "came".
"how will you come...over to them"
"he came...over to us"
"were you coming...when this happened?"
"have you heard of the crazy Come Pause Act; it's all the rage in Wiltshire"
by The L Team March 4, 2008
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A sarcastic phrase used in the form of "you must be having a bubblebath" to imply disbelief or mocking rejection of a suggestion. Effectively means "you must be joking". Elaborations include "having a bubblebath with ......" and "having several bubblebaths and a ......". Also can be shortened to simply "bubble" although this gives less insight into the sexually disturbed mind of the individual using the phrase. "You must be having a bubble froth" would work just as well.
Hobbit #1; "let's go shave our feet"
Hobbit #2; "you must be having a bubblebath"
by The L Team April 3, 2007
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