14 definitions by The Gunslinger

A Bong with multiple tubes coming out of it for several (users), see tokers
Man, me and my homies hit that communal bong all night
by The Gunslinger July 14, 2004
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What CheapsexsadFlLMS (Lindsay) starts everyday with. Also known as CIB, refers to an overall bitchy attitude for no reason.
Whoa, Lindsay didn't forget her Carnation Instant Bitch this morning.

P.S CheapsexsadFlLMS(AIM)
-bring it up
by The Gunslinger July 8, 2004
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Dude, i've got to get away from my dad he's fuckin mlcrisiing.
by The Gunslinger April 9, 2004
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not skinny but not fat, having meaty legs and big tits
man those bitchs are thick
by The Gunslinger April 4, 2004
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The phrase used by gunfighters after they have been defeated by a shooter by the name of Tank
No Tank you” for the whooping I just received

“No Tank you” I would like to stay alive another round.
by The Gunslinger October 9, 2017
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a term used to discribe the apperance/personality and overall character of a sterotype british person
There are way to many pommy dickheads in this place
by The Gunslinger April 5, 2004
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