15 definitions by ThaOriginal

Liquor shot

80% JD
20% Creme de Menthe (the clear shit, not the creamy)
The militia's coming to town to fuck you up!

Also see
fuck you go home and liquid fiend
by ThaOriginal January 26, 2005
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middle class suburban white kids who think they're thugs, but who would get shot the fuck up in about 6 seconds in a real ghetto.
Vanilla Ice being hung from a balcony by suge knight
by ThaOriginal January 24, 2005
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1. Overinflated
2. someone with a really fucking big head
what the hell is bulbis doing here?
by ThaOriginal January 25, 2005
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a single continuous piece of shit so long that it circles the toilet twice. Normally contains at least 3 days worth of shit. Results in a great sense of pride, and sometimes bloody ass
#1: Holy shit what the fuck stinks?
#2: I pulled a double lapper
#1: fucking a
by ThaOriginal January 25, 2005
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crazy whacked out insect with shitloads of tentacles and wings and teeth bent on world domination. Highly effective at camouflage, can only be seen through ingestion of copious amounts of shrooms.
Also called imminashish
Holy shit that shiminabub is fucking huge!
fuck there's another! i'm outta here! It's chasing me! help! ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
by ThaOriginal January 25, 2005
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after a blow job and spewing on her face, slap her with a five dollar bill so it sticks
If she is a skag whore you can ask for change
by ThaOriginal January 25, 2005
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Hardecore liquor shot
start with one shot each of liquid cocaine (jagermeister + goldschlager), tequila and vodka.
Drink the liquid cocaine through a straw while pouring the other two shots into the shot glass
joe: I bet i can do one of those
bob: sure dicksmack
joe: (slurp)...falls over
bob: fuck you go home

also see the militia and liquid fiend
by ThaOriginal January 26, 2005
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