12 definitions by TeenAuthor

Guy or Girl who would permanently camp out in the manga section of Borders, Kinokuniya or Barnes and Noble in order to read manga, but never actually buys anything, thus hampering the royalties manga artists can earn.

Not always scruffy, can be deceptively clean, but inside their heads is the mind of a cheapskate.

This word is a variation of Hobotaku which has appeared in various online and blog articles related to the state of the manga publishing industry.
Greg is such a manga hobo. Why doesn't he actually pay for anything. Does he even leave this section?
by TeenAuthor June 19, 2008
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1 (Noun): The feeling of tiredness after you have watched all three "Mad Max" films in a row. The Mad Max movies are a post-apocalyptic series of Australian films by George Miller, thus the bleakness of the second film of the trilogy combined with the Australian gore of the first and the human drama of Beyond Thunderdome, the Third film in the trilogy, would exhaust anybody.
Man, I feel totally Maxed Out after I watched the entire Mad Max trilogy!
by TeenAuthor September 9, 2007
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1 (adjective): Denoting extreme feelings or connection of angst associating with something.
The Used's lyrics are Angstalicious!
by TeenAuthor September 12, 2007
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1: An imaginary girlfriend who is a construct of a young man's imagination, especially fantasy nerds. A variation of this is space woman, where a sci-fi geek will invent a girlfriend that does not exist anywhere but in their head.

2: The alternate spelling, "faerie woman" is used to describe a female geek or nerd who knows a lot about the mythology of the Celts and or the British Isles. The inference is that she knows too much about Faeries to be a genuine human.

1(a): I'm worried about Neville, his girlfriend seems too much like a fairy woman to be real. He needs to get out more.

1(b): Fogle: Sounds like your girlfriend's a fairy woman.

Cedric: Her kisses are magical.

Fogle: Dude, I mean that she isn't real. Get a life.

2: Gee, Mary's a faerie woman. She reads so many Irish Folk Tale books that it's scaring me!
by TeenAuthor June 19, 2008
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When the big comic book publishers continue the life of a character by bringing them back from the dead in order to continue making a profit off the marketing of new stories involving the character and associated character goods.

This is sometimes known as comic book continuity, but Corporate Necromancy is a more expressive word that deals with the bringing of characters back from the dead as a way of rebooting a comic book series to return things back to the status quo.

Manga, or Japanese comics, can also sometimes be accused of Corporate Necromancy when characters die and are brought back, such as with Dragonball and Dragonball Z.

A comics editor who is notorious for bringing commerically successful characters back from the dead in order to exploit their lives financially is called a Corporate Necromancer.
1: Bringing back Aunt May in the Spider-Man comics was sheer Corporate Necromancy!

2: Man, I hate them Corporate Necromancers who brought *insert comics character* back from the dead, leave them alone!
by TeenAuthor June 19, 2008
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When a man spends all night waiting for a girl who should have come to meet for a date hours ago, but she never turns up. Similar to being stood up, but with more existential loneliness than just missing out on action with the ladies.
1: He's spent all night Waiting for Godot-Girl. Poor guy needs some self respect to ditch that biatch.

2: Sandra: Poor John's been Waiting for Godot-Girl, I better call him back and apologise for not showing up.
by TeenAuthor June 19, 2008
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1. A work of art, poetry, music, or literature which transcends mere whining about trivial problems, but achieves such dark majesty, that all who experience the work are affected by it.

E.g. Catcher In The Rye by J.D Salinger, Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice, Hawthorne Heights music, etc.
That Emo kid's art project is an Angst-erpiece! It makes me feel all dark inside!
by TeenAuthor September 12, 2007
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