17 definitions by Ted Rimmel Jr


Nervouscited is being nervous about something while at the same time being excited. Feeling both nervousness and excitement at the very same time

Ted Rimmel Jr (me) was nervous and excited at the same time when I realized rumors and gossip had been going around about me being in love with my mother. Very nervous because the rumors and gossip were totally accurate (and true!!), yet I felt excited for the fact it was just rumors and gossip, nobody had proven any of them true. Months later I got caught with Mom. Suddenly I was hyper nervous due to knowing everybody was going to be talking about this and spreading it all around. Yet I was a different type`of excited this time, at the thought of me having no control over stopping it, and of my secret now being literally impossible to hide from then on. I was very nervouscited.
"I am nervous about my new job I will be starting next week. However I am also very excited at the opportunities for advancement it will provide. I am nervouscited."
by Ted Rimmel Jr December 4, 2024
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Oedipus Text

To expand on a previous definition: A text message a male sends his mother that is sexually explicit in nature. This text message is (usually) accidental (except in my case), (usually) meant to inquire concerning sexual activity with another person, and (usually) sent under the influence of intoxicating substances (not in my case).

In Ted Rimmel Jr's situation: A text message (actually hundreds of text messages) Ted sends his mother that is sexually explicit in nature. These text messages are always on purpose, never ever accidental. These text messages are always meant to inquire concerning sexual activity with his mother, and always sent when Ted is perfectly sober.
Ted's mom (upon receiving the very first Oedpus Texts): "These messages you sent, what is up?"
Ted: "Aaaahhh, I may have been a bit drunk and sent it to wrong person."
Ted's mom: "Nonsense.You do not drink. And besides, you have me listed as Mom on your contacts list, and to top it off, you began each message with "Mom.... or hey Mom....."
Ted: "Aaaahhh ....well...ummm...Aaaahhh."
Ted's mom: "Do not um and ah. These were clearly meant for me. Someone seeing these texts would say you are in love with me. Is that it Ted, are you in love with your mother? Because these texts clearly indicate that."
Ted: "Yes Mom it is true. All of it. The texts were clearly meant for you. I truly am in love with you, so these texts would be known as Oedipus Texts."
by Ted Rimmel Jr August 1, 2024
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Condom Shame

When a person feels embarassment when buying condoms. This was very common in most of us the first several times we ever bought condoms. we would hesitate forever before picking up the box or pack and going over to pay for them. Or worse, some stores had them behind the counter, so we had to ask. WE would hesitate, stammer, stutter before working up the courage. Eventually most people do get over Condom Shame. Condom Shame is perfectly natural, due to our conditioning when growing up that sex is 'naughty' or 'dirty'.

Even being over Condom Shame, you can still possibly experience Condom Shame once in awhile. I, Ted Rimmel Jr once suffered condom shame years after being over Condom Shame. I go into the pharmacy to buy condoms. I have 2 boxes each of ultra thin and of ribbed for her pleasure. A girl who knows me somewhat is the cashier. There is a line behind me as I go to checkout. The conversation went "Hi Ted" "Hi." "You planning a big special weekend are ya?" "No". Girl says as she taps on condom boxes "Come on, I can see." I said "Well yes, it is a very big weekend." The girl picks up the condoms, rings them up. As she rings them up she proceeds to tell me (somewhat loudly)"Aww Ted I KNOW your mother is absolutely going to love you using these with her. Truly." There I was suffering an episode of Condom Shame.
"What took you so long in the pharmacy? You were just going to pick up a couple things."
"Well I had to buy condoms, and it took me awhile to work up the courage. I guess I was suffering from a bad case of Condom Shame."
by Ted Rimmel Jr December 4, 2024
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perfect weekend

A weekend where everything involved is your idea of the ideal way to spend a weekend. Can be perfect weather. ideal location, ideal company you are spending it with, ideal or favorite activity you are doing. A perfect weekend would be whatever you yourself consider to be the best way to spend a weekend. It would be if you could choose the only way you had to spend a weekend for it to be the best and most ideal for you. What type of a weekend would be paradise for you? That is a perfect weekend.

Ted Rimmel Jr (me) has frequently said (often times accidentally in public, or around friends) that My idea of a perfect weekend would involve me in a secluded cabin with my mother wearing lingerie with hose and heels, a case of condoms, and an entire weekend of connecting.
A football fan says: "This is going to be my perfect weekend. I will be off work all weekend. I will be watching college football all day Saturday, and NFL football all day Sunday, all on my big screen television. No better way to spend a weekend."
by Ted Rimmel Jr December 4, 2024
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An incext is a sensual, risque, or sexually explicit text message sent between two people who are related. The incext is the result of the act of incexting, which is sexting (sending sexy text messages) between two people who are related.
I myself have been discovered to be sending incexts to my mother.
Sandra: "Hey all. I was talking to Ted's sister the other day. She said she found Ted was sexting some woman. Ted's sister briefly stole Ted's phone and copied and downloaded all of the messages. She printed them out and showed them to me. Ted was sexting with his mother, so all of those messages were incexts."
The ones Sandra was talking to: "No freaking way. His mother??!! Oh wow, hehehe"

Sandra: "Ha ha, Ted will have some explaining to do next time we see him."

A guy in the group: "Really Sandy? Come on. I mean what explanation is there other than exactly what it looks like."
by Ted Rimmel Jr August 1, 2024
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Usually a person whose actions, or personality, or situation creates an unusually high amount of gossip to be told about that specific person.

Can also be caused by a person getting caught doing something extra outrageous, or surprising, or amazing. That person being caught doing that causes much gossip to be told about themselves.

Or can be like in my, Ted Rimmel Jr's case. That is that there already was gossip and rumors about me being in love with my mother. Other rumors and gossip said I was dating Mom, my mother is my girlfriend. Way too many people for my comfort level were always asking about or talking about Mom to me. Of course I tried changing the subject; they would instantly change it back to Mom. This evasive behavior by me made more people likely to talk about me. I was becoming talkaboutable (easy/popular to talk about). When through some crappy luck, as well as some lapses in my effort at super secrecy, I got caught with (maybe I should say in) my mother. In the act of course. There was no doubt what we were doing. This type of news is way too juicy for people to keep to themselves. So as a result, I suddenly became very easy, popular and the preferred subject (of course) to talk about. Man was I nervous as I knew everyone everywhere would hear of this, know the rumors/gossip are confirmed exactly as rumored/gossipped about. I became talkaboutable.
"Hey everyone,you know how for over a year now there have been numerous rumors and gossip that Ted Rimmel Jr is banging his mother? I heard they recently got 'caught in the act'. No way for Ted to deny it anymore, hahaha. Everyone is talking about it of course. Ted became the most talkaboutable person ever!!! Hahahaha."
by Ted Rimmel Jr December 4, 2024
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urban confessional

The act of using the Urban Dictionary as a confessional to confess things. These confessions are about various things. Many people do this in Urban Dictionary due to the ability to use a pseudonym as a username. This satisfies the feeling of the need to confess. At the same time it ensures that the confessor remains anonymous due to using the fake names as usernames (not everyone on here uses a fake name as a username, nut the large majority do).

I am on Urban Dictionary doing my own urban confessional. I, Ted Rimmel Jr, promised if Urban Dictionary printed my first definition (Oedifession) I would be entering over 100 (more like over 300) definitions of other words to confess about my Oedipus Complex, to confess about my mother being my girlfriend, to explain it, to prove it, and further support exposing it. So yes, many people on here use the urban confessional.
Sandra: "Ted Rimmel Jr is actually doing as he said. He said if Urban Dictionary posted his definition of Oedifession he would post at least 100 definitions of other words that support proving his Oedipus Complex, him being in love with his mother, and about his mother being his girlfriend. Ted is actually following through on his promise!"

Lance: "I have read some of Ted's previous definitions on Urban Dictionary. Confessing all about that on Urban Dictionary is definitely the way to go. By doing that Ted is definitely using the urban confessional. I will keep reading his definitions in the future."
by Ted Rimmel Jr December 4, 2024
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