16 definitions by Tannasgh
The noise made by butt cheeks flapping together as gas is expelled violently. This usually occurs after consuming several bean burritos, drinking a warm coke and jumping on a trampoline.
by Tannasgh February 14, 2006
Thae last little dribble of sperm after sex. Can also refer to a man of small stature that feels the need to overcompensate by putting down small children and his immediate employees so he can feel better about being short.
by Tannasgh April 28, 2005
A large round spot on a carpet resembling a pizza. Usually found while cleaning up the morning after a raging party. Most often the result of a really voluminous hork after after eating and having one too many.
Guy 1 “Dude, who ordered the pizza?”
Guy 2 “Look closer, it’s not a regular pizza, it’s a carpet pizza”
Guy 1 “Dude, that’s nasty!”
Guy 2 “Put a rug over it, no one will notice.”
Guy 2 “Look closer, it’s not a regular pizza, it’s a carpet pizza”
Guy 1 “Dude, that’s nasty!”
Guy 2 “Put a rug over it, no one will notice.”
by Tannasgh February 23, 2018
The act of letting a small, squeaky fart that ends up with a tiny pointy turd peeking past the balloon knot, lodged almost at the point of no return. Related to Prairie Doggin'
by Tannasgh February 14, 2006
The wet, splattered butt you are left with after a high velocity oatmeal type dump. This is often the result of eating a lot after a long drinking binge. Most often splatterbutt sessions are followed by a shower and a serious scrubbing except in the case of college freshman.
After the kegger the other night we went and killed a couple of jalpeno meat lover pizzas. I spent the whole morning with splatterbutt and had to shower four times.
by Tannasgh February 14, 2006
A term of derision often uttered by Bugs Bunny when referring to an interaction with a dopey adversary. It is a mispronunciation of the word "Moron"
by Tannasgh July 31, 2004
Quite simply a highly toxic fart left in a room when its main occupant is not present, to be discovered later when the occupant returns. This form of warfare has been outlawed by NATO but is still in use in many urban office engagement zones.
by Tannasgh February 14, 2006