5 definitions by TAJNOST
Acronym - Stands for "Get That Fuckin Cooker On"
Most usually referring to a cooker like stove of the gas powered sort for people who heat the knifes up and prepare dot sized pieces of marijuana to smoke.
Some people call this method "spots"
Most usually referring to a cooker like stove of the gas powered sort for people who heat the knifes up and prepare dot sized pieces of marijuana to smoke.
Some people call this method "spots"
by TAJNOST November 8, 2011
by TAJNOST January 5, 2011
Something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained.
Tajnost is a stealth mystery or secret that remains in secrecy because it cannot be understood derived from Czech & Serbo-Croatian Language
Tajnost is a stealth mystery or secret that remains in secrecy because it cannot be understood derived from Czech & Serbo-Croatian Language
Jim: "hey Bob nice to meet you, where did you say you work again?"
Bob: "sorry Jim my work is tajnost"
Jim: "uhm your work is what? im confused"
Bob: "exactly"
Bob: "sorry Jim my work is tajnost"
Jim: "uhm your work is what? im confused"
Bob: "exactly"
by TAJNOST October 10, 2010
by TAJNOST February 18, 2011
Literally translates to "Not crack up".
Said when something is not funny.
The opposite of crack up.
Created by finding the opposite of crack(ed) which is obviously abandonware & the opposite of up which has to be down.
Said when something is not funny.
The opposite of crack up.
Created by finding the opposite of crack(ed) which is obviously abandonware & the opposite of up which has to be down.
I'm all out of weed and there is no where to get anymore = ABANDONWARE DOWN!
Bob: "hey dude stop dumping stuff all over the place"
John: "I dump that stuff right there for you"
Bob: "Abandonware Down!!!"
Bob: "Did you see that homey on the computer poking the
screen with his back-seat browser brothers bothering everyone?"
John: "Yea it's abandonware down all-right
Bob: "hey dude stop dumping stuff all over the place"
John: "I dump that stuff right there for you"
Bob: "Abandonware Down!!!"
Bob: "Did you see that homey on the computer poking the
screen with his back-seat browser brothers bothering everyone?"
John: "Yea it's abandonware down all-right
by TAJNOST June 2, 2011