16 definitions by T.V. John

To get fat; to become obese. The condition of becoming fat. A person who has become obese
Now weighing 403 pounds, he had a bloatdown of gaining over 200 pounds in the last two years.
by T.V. John March 30, 2012
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Sexy media content that is not quite pornographic
The way the female dancers in the music video were shaking their butts was softporn.
by T.V. John February 8, 2013
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a drug-addcted life
She went boho, when she started using dope.
by T.V. John January 22, 2013
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To make something super, like a relationship
Let's superfy!"; "Man, that's superfy!"; "She really superfies him."; "He superfied his job into a million bucks.
by T.V. John May 23, 2011
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a person who uses people for selfish purposes without intending to give anything in return
The way he always talks about himself all the time and is always interrupting everybody so they cannot talk, I knew he was a tool as soon as I met him. Man, he really tooled you!
by T.V. John November 17, 2012
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A negative person who finds fault with everything and everyone.
He was a real humbugger with the way he was always finding fault with everything and everybody.
by T.V. John May 8, 2013
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n. a messed up mess
v. to mess something up
The political candidate created a real kerfuckle for himself, when he lied about his finances.
by T.V. John November 7, 2016
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