23 definitions by Swisher rolled tight

Temporary residence at friends, relative's, baby's mama's, or Ex's place where free room & board are provided until welcome worn out & move on to next flop & hideout.
Antoine usually stay at his Aunt's. No one know where he stay now.
by Swisher rolled tight October 14, 2020
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All F-ed Out. Enough. Too much already. Extremely shagged, burnt out, no more for now. Depleted of energy & activity, or can't deal with any more effort, trouble, or hassle.
Rob wanted to go out after Sunday's football games on TV; but, I told him I was A.F.O. from Saturday night & Sunday sports.
by Swisher rolled tight October 23, 2022
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reverse racism is racism directed at individuals in the majority, the haves, the man, & the system. It is not directly provoked, yet cumulative resentment. It is DENIED by victimhood minorities as to how they could perpetrate such active, targeted rancor in the opposite direction.
reverse racism is EVERYBODY in the majority is responsible for our pain, poverty, & problems. We then resent, trash talk behind their backs; or, on occasion bully, beat up, & rob them. Our other option is to resent them for not being woke & not instantly adopting our point of view.... AS IF EVERYBODY MARCHES AGAINST BIRTH DEFECTS OR CANCER ?? !! ??
by Swisher rolled tight October 24, 2020
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Naugahyde, a hide material from the nauga animal used to cover seats in cheesy dinette & living room furniture. It is further enhanced to look like African animals like zebra, tiger, leopard, or giraffe, etc.
Her living room looked like it was decorated for a cockroach party using furniture covered in Naugahyde.
by Swisher rolled tight June 10, 2021
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A Tar baby is a person that scams & fights & TRIES to turn around a situation with Lies, Alibis, Denial, Blame Switching, & Accusations of Racism. Best to avoid them, & their prickly stickiness. Do not show major fear as you TRY to avoid or ease away. Do NOT get excited, loud, or use the word they so rightfully Deserve.
I had already backed out of my parking spot, & this tar baby backed out without looking, & ran into my car. She started screaming it was my fault.
by Swisher rolled tight October 14, 2020
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A personal Covid-19 mask that has been used too much, and has caught too much breath.
My Breath Catcher is starting to stink & (A) Needs washed; or, (B) Needs discarded & replaced.
by Swisher rolled tight October 27, 2020
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Niggerometer, a device that measures the nigger factor of a black person. It ranges from from 0.00 for a normal black person to 1.00 for a total skeevy, ghetto nigger.
I wasn't sure about this black person; so, I used my internal niggerometer to ascertain if & how big a nigger he was.
by Swisher rolled tight June 29, 2021
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