39 definitions by SuezeeSmurd

Stomach and chin put together, to describe when your chin touches your stomach
Hey, lift up your chin you're giving yourself a major chumach!
by SuezeeSmurd March 7, 2019
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Used to describe a woman who is in an extraordinary way over the top sexually stimulated state of arousal.
Oh my I'm so freakin turned on I'm gonna turn in a cockmonster.
by SuezeeSmurd January 6, 2019
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Adjective; crass, obnoxious description of a vigina.
Man that chic had a nice tight little cock pocket.
by SuezeeSmurd January 5, 2019
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The extra fleshy hanging parts of a pussy.
Oh damn! The girls got some serious meat flaps hanging from her pussy.
by SuezeeSmurd January 6, 2019
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When your such a bitch you just have a seeping bitchy ooze all around you just drowning everyone in your mean calus attitude
Dammit Susan your bitchy ooze is getting everywhere, we want to avoid drowning in your means ass
by SuezeeSmurd March 1, 2019
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Referring to your son's forskin with what feels more appropriate so he doesn't start saying forskin.
You can refer to an uncircumcised little boy's penis by saying it has a weinie hat because saying forskin is gross.
by SuezeeSmurd January 6, 2019
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