28 definitions by Stealth

Derived from "vocabulary" and "fabulous," vofabulary are words that
a are spoken primarily by gay people
b can be used to describe gay people
After Johnny came out of the closet, his vofabulary increased immensely.
by Stealth April 26, 2004
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Any substance that has the ability to intoxicate a person
I think it's time I topped up my toxigens
by Stealth February 5, 2004
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Synonym for breasts or boobs.

Etymology: from boy-balls, or testicles.
"Wow, her girl-balls are SO fake."
by Stealth March 1, 2005
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Cockhead means the following !!
It means if your reading this and have wasted your time looking for the word cockhead then your one big cockhead COCKHEAD
ahh a glass of orange juice mm vitamin c very important o no COCKHEAD dnt drink that its alcohol free i mean vitamin C free drink this COCKHEAD man drinks straight vodka falls on floor and dies
by Stealth June 5, 2004
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A ciggarette or refferring to a pack of ciggarettes
"I really need a stigetto break"
"Stop here, I need to buy a pack of stigetto"
by Stealth June 14, 2006
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Also goes by the nicks Dani and Mondo on Razorville.
* Bluchu is now known as Mondo
by Stealth November 22, 2004
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A deliberate mispronounciation of the word “ENEMY” in Quake 3 mod, TrueCombat.
We've got the enermy flag.
by Stealth July 13, 2003
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