32 definitions by Smart American Male

Sluttiest children's special in television history. The abomination of awards shows and the most overrated.

Teens don't even watch. Children do.
It's not even their choice. The choice is Miley's and the Jonas Brothers'. And they suck.
Therefore, the awards are nothing but novelty.
You will die of ripping your own head off if you watch the Teen Choice Awards.
by Smart American Male August 10, 2009
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Kid's Choice Awards 2.0. Ages 5 - 8. Created by FOX. A rigged, scripted, unofficial awards show presenting fake awards to very "special" child celebrities who set bad examples to children of older or equal age, mostly to Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers. They use laugh tracks to make it even more stupider.
Smart celebrity nominated for an award: I think I am too old for the Teen Choice Awards. I am not even going to attend, like I give a shit if I win one.
by Smart American Male March 22, 2009
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A dirty old man; A overgreased slice of pizza; An oil changing expert
"Help! This greasemo from the alley tried to grab me!"

"Eww! This slice is a greasemo! Get me a napkin or something!"

"Damn! That car oil was fast! You greasemos are alright!"
by Smart American Male October 19, 2006
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A justice server in the world of sports. Pretty much the greatest way to humiliate cheaters and thieves who have attempted to break records for nothing much in return.
Clear examples of the asterik:
Barry Bonds 756 home run ball*
Marion Jones at the Sydney 2000 Olympics* (dq)
by Smart American Male June 3, 2008
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A male or female with various gimmicks & can be very unpredictable sometimes. They dress in goth/punk clothing, are expected to abuse drugs, & are very bipolar at times & may holler something in your face when you least expect it. Just punch them in the face or take a picture of them while they holler, to prevent another similar incident.
"Oh man nigga it was mad stupid! The alley was like full--"
"Hey buddy...wanna rock with me?"
"Man you freak us out! Now piss off! Damn freaker!"
by Smart American Male September 7, 2006
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1. A poorly formatted league with the dumbest fans and dumbest officials that makes it the worst sport ever. It's consisted of 162 long tedious games with no time limit, whereas the "postseason" only lasts about a week long. The objective of the game is to hit a ball with a bat and guide your fellow Dominicans to home plate without getting out. But the real objective is to make the most money than any other player. Players are allowed to create buzz by talking trash, being a distraction, juicing up, and any other idiotic actions to attract the media.

2. "America's favorite past time".

3. "The Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico's favorite present time".

4. A sports league made up of 29 teams and one over-dramatic news tycoon (NYY).

5. An overrated drama queen of a sport. They care so much that Bud Selig pays ESPN to cover the MLB 24/7, even during the offseason. Whenever ESPN doesn't highlight any games, they whine like little bitches about the Yankees, the Red Sox, the Mets, Manny Ramirez, Ozzie Guillen, steroid scandals, retired players in investigations, and any other bullshit they can think of.

6. A method to make a load of money by barely doing anything at all. Such notable activities include standing on a grass field, sitting in a dugout, running 90 feet, running 10 feet to grab the baseball, standing on a small white bag, doing a couple of silly movements to throw the ball really fast to a teammate standing just 50 feet away, and many many more adrenalating activities. Of course, those other players don't get much money for running back and forth every play trying to swerve past other guys and lob the ball in an orange ring, or trying to carry the ball for about 300 feet at the expense that you get knocked down every play. Sure, I believe you.
1. The MLB sucks.

2. US Citizen: I used to like the MLB. Wow, was I such a stupid, stupid kid.

3. Islander: Like baseball is our religion! Every day we go to the church to pray to Babe Ruth.

4. Yankee fan: The Yankees are the best team EVER! Like they land all the good players and shit, and I'm oblivious to why that is. But I heard they are all great in bed, according to ESPN, so that must make them great players!

5. ESPN anchor: Did you know that there are 5 pitchers that homered in a 1-0 game? Just how stupid is this stat?! Nawmally good!

This just in, Sportscenter ratings sink 100% after covering their 30th straight hour on A-Rod's personal crisis.

6. Derek Jeter: LOL Hockey sucks! Even though I won't last three minutes in an ice rink. I have no penis.
by Smart American Male May 4, 2009
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A person who use to be great at something, but now sucks at it. A shell of what someone use to be.
Here's an analogy in the case of dungshells: John Cena is to WWE as Barry Bonds is to baseball.
by Smart American Male April 22, 2006
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