24 definitions by Showa 96 the ham-eating crusader808

George Takei may be a sansei (third-generation Japanese-American), but's a great-response to the Trump hate-speech, besides his iconic one-liner "Oh My."
Oh My! Nisei Please, Mr. Trump!
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family generations who served as law enforcement officers.
my uncles and grandfather were from a blue blood family since 1 was NYPD detective and 2 others were FBI agents
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to have a relationship with (often romantic)
the little black girl who committed suicide received taunts such as "You only think you're white because you ride with that white boy"
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mass hysteria of hispanics and latinos immigrating; infesting our nation. used by racist cops
Los Angeles is a city with a Level Delta Code Brown, thanks to the fact California is near the border
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a military-chaplain.
a priest, rabbi, imam, or pastor is a combat angel. the title is earned not given.
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