24 definitions by Showa 96 the ham-eating crusader808

see, Donald Trump. refers to his comments on using the term "shithole" to describe African countries.
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a weeaboo who is in the military; a serviceman who LOVES Anime.
constantly begs commanding officer/unit sergeant to be stationed in Japan such as Camp Zama, Misawa AFB, Yokosuka, or Camp Hansen Okinawa for the excuse of a promotion only to be followed by their inner otaku. Many servicemen who are GI-boos have Japanese war bride (waifus) or Japanese war grooms (female servicemen) and have haffu kids who are obsessed with anime and Japanese Culture. Most GI-boos get discounts at anime conventions because of their military service which includes retirees, Coast Guard, reservists, national guardsmen, USPHS, NOAA, USMMC, and Civilian Expeditionary Forces Personnel (guys with the US "triangle" insignia on their uniform with the DOD Civilian nametape)
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family generations who served as law enforcement officers.
my uncles and grandfather were from a blue blood family since 1 was NYPD detective and 2 others were FBI agents
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to have a relationship with (often romantic)
the little black girl who committed suicide received taunts such as "You only think you're white because you ride with that white boy"
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