32 definitions by Set Blue 23

Sanctuary Guardian

The song from Mother 2 (Earthbound) that plays when you fight for a sanctuary location. Nowadays it's just an underused meme song. Therefore you should appreciate it when it is used, usually when something cursed happens and it's caught on camera.
Sanctuary Guardian from Earthbound is a very powerful tool when used correctly.
by Set Blue 23 August 8, 2021
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Bo Frei

A yellow cube that watches people.
Bo Frei don't play.
by Set Blue 23 October 3, 2017
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A word used to describe a massive explosion.
by Set Blue 23 October 10, 2017
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the meaning of life

I will go on a dangerous journey to pursue the answer to a really tough question. What...is... THE MEANING OF LIFE???
by Set Blue 23 October 10, 2017
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The vehicle that moves fast and choo choos.
by Set Blue 23 October 4, 2017
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Pronounced "led". A nickname for a leader.
I will take you to my leader. His name's Johnathan. But because he is my leader, I will call him Lead.
by Set Blue 23 March 15, 2018
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He will lead you, so follow him. He knows de wae.
by Set Blue 23 March 15, 2018
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