32 definitions by Secret Agent Man

Unidentified Flying Object. Originally a catchall term for anything flying that could not be identified by Civil Air Patrol observers during World War 2. Since then, taken over by lunatics that believe that for some reason, advanced alien civilizations have come to earth, are studying our assholes, and make contact with Roscoe and Billy Bob near their moonshine still in West Virginia. See buy a fucking vowel.
Dang, Billy Bob, give me some of that thar yor drinkin and I might see me some UFO's too! Hot Damn!
by Secret Agent Man September 19, 2003
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Taken from the practice of leaving a car which has been thoroughly stripped up on concrete blocks. Something is said to be 'on blocks' when one comes back and finds it has been ransacked thoroughly.
I told you not to let anyone in--now my whole room's up on blocks!

Wait til Oscar gets back and finds his DVD collection up on blocks . . .
by Secret Agent Man September 18, 2003
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Mad magazine equivalent of the computer programmer's foo, that is, a word which can be used to stand in for any other (as in, for example, fictitious brand names, etc.)
The label said to induce vomiting, so I applied the Potzrebie maneuver.

I'm sorry, Ms. Jones, we're going to have to charge you $500 dollars for this repair... your, uh, Potzrebie device was broken. Yeah.
by Secret Agent Man September 21, 2003
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Taken from electronic devices, which can operate in one or more 'modes' and thereby restrict their possible actions to a few options. Applied to humans, this usually is used as a suffix indicating 1. their normal thinking and reasoning abilities have been overridden by something they're 'hung up' on; or 2. their normal drives and ambitions have been replaced by a possibly irrational desire for some particular thing.
I tried talking to him about science, but he just went into Religious Wacko mode and started spouting scripture.

Watch out, those two are in geek mode.

No, I don't want a burger, I'm in burrito mode.
by Secret Agent Man September 17, 2003
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1. To spray down with machine gun fire.
2. To completely ruin something.
The CO jumped out of the bushes but he got hosed by the VC.

That damn virus hosed my disk drive.
by Secret Agent Man September 18, 2003
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In U.S. Marine jargon, a comparative indicating that something is worthless. In more polite company, see hill of beans.
This equipment isn't worth a rat's ass.

So? I don't give a rat's ass.
by Secret Agent Man September 19, 2003
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Based on the 70's amateur 'talent' show, the Gong Show. Applied to entertainment, it means cheesy and out of control, OR completely ruined through the good intentions of amateurs.
They had three bands scheduled, but the first one was the total gong show, so almost everyone left.

What the--? I thought this was supposed to be a presidential address, and I get the gong show?
by Secret Agent Man September 18, 2003
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