13 definitions by Scriptures

Girl: Hey Pete Laan you follow Daria Paramoshkina on Instagram @daria_paramoshkina ?

Pete: Sure do! She’s stylish and natural.. A beautiful girl
by Scriptures August 26, 2018
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A beautiful fluffy haired mother.
Pete Laan don’t we just have the best fluffy haired mother!

Mel : oh Gerardine how we love you! Xx
by Scriptures August 29, 2018
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Where you create & control your life/reality through the images you continually focus on and hold in your mind.

Whether you believe/understand this or not.. The Law of Attraction IS always working, so you may as well start thinking positively from now on to create the life you dream of living!
Guy a) yo' what's The Law of Attraction all about? I often see Online Celebrity Pete Laan talking about it on YouTube, Facebook & Instagram??

Girl b) It's a popular physics belief used by many wise & successful people.. check out 'The Secret' first 20 minute intro on YouTube! Basically put, it means your Thoughts.. Become.. Reality! Good or bad, so stop focusing & thinking about what you do not want! Start focusing on what you DO want and slowly but surely it will begin to manifest 🌈💕🏘💵
by Scriptures May 1, 2017
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Pete Laan Oi Nickobrah where’s my car keys?

Nickobrah Phftt you ain’t driving fgt
by Scriptures August 29, 2018
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Self explanatory really.. what else are you looking for in a wife? Good sex? Good sandwich marking skills? Or what have you.. etc etc
Girl a) LMFAO when will all these crazy new sayings from pete laan end? 🤣

Girl b) hopefully NEVER! Lmfao fordayzzz over that shit. And all his silly pout selfies.

Then he goes on Instagram and posts 'what else do you need in wife?' directed at his beautiful girlfriend Ambeh Rose 💞

Comical stuff really.. oh pete laan ahah x
by Scriptures April 10, 2017
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The unconditionally loved Adelaide City Girl in the life of Celebrity Pete Laan She's funny, sexy, smart and adorable.. a true dazzler on the eye's of anyone 😻
Girl A) omfg! When will Pete Laan EVER stfu about this Adelaide girl Ambeh Rose?

Girl B) rofl! I don't think he EVER will! He adores Her, loves Her, even wrote a guitar love song about her for Facebook and scored over 1000 views on it! She's the Perfect girl for him in his eyes.. they were actually Facebook engaged for four months! Word has it he called the engagement off and went back to Facebook Single just recently because she was taking fordayzzzz to marry him 🤣💍 But she know's he still loves her the same anyways! They're so damnnn cute!! Please DO get married guys, Awww!! 💏
by Scriptures April 9, 2017
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Basically, when shit is 'mean' as in fierce.
Girl a) Haha, you know that Pete Laan Google, YouTube & UrbanDictionary Celebrity?

Girl b) lol yeah.. on his Instagram is a video of his cute lil mum checking out his new drag bike! She walked in the shed & said 'ohh shit, shitmean that bike.. Shitmean! Ahaha 🤣
by Scriptures April 8, 2017
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