14 definitions by Samurai Sam

Did you listen to Sean Hannity yesterday? He's a stupid conservative. See also, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Ann Coulter, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Bill Frist, Dick Armey, Trent Lott, Tom Delay.
by Samurai Sam September 16, 2006
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1. A comedy movie written, produced, and directed by Bobby and Peter Farrelly starring Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels.

2. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

3. Registered voters in 2000 and 2004 who voted for 2 above.

4. A listener of the Rush Limbaugh Show who stays tuned to listen to the Sean Hannity Show.

5. The cumulative effect of repeated viewings of Fox News.
1. Dumb and Dumber is one the funniest movies of all time.

2. Did you hear that Dumb and Dumber are spying on our own people and using warrantless wiretaps?

3. You voted for Bush/Cheney AGAIN? That makes you dumb and dumber.

4. My friend Dave keeps the radio tuned to an AM talk station and stays glued to it from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. central standard time Monday through Friday. He's becoming dumb and dumber.

5. Paul watches Fox News every night after he masturbates to pictures of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. He's getting dumb and dumber every night.
by Samurai Sam September 18, 2006
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1. Scientific evidence that American Indians had sexual intercourse with buffalo during the middle to late 19th Century. Since the buffalo has been hunted to near extinction, they now breed almost exclusively with their brothers and sisters.

2. Unintelligent, inbred hicks who think that screwing over working men and women with tax breaks for corporations and the rich actually helps them, that there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and that George W. Bush is a patriot despite the fact that during Vietnam he dodged the draft by getting into a National Guard unit from which he promptly went AWOL. See also: gullible, stupid, moron, rube. douchebag, dipshit.

They are commonly found in any of the following places:

a. Prison

b. Gay or redneck Bars

c. Mental Institutions

d. Trailer Parks

e. Country Music Concerts

f. Larry the Cable Guy Shows

g. Underneath Outhouses

h. Gun Shows

i. Hospital Emergency Rooms (usually as the result of something procured at h. above)

The first thing a Republican girl says after having sex for the first time is: "git off me pa, yor crushin' mah cigretts!"
by Samurai Sam September 18, 2006
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Bowtie wearing pussy who used to appear on "Crossfire" representing the conservative viewpoint until Jon Stewart made him his bitch on "The Daily Show".
Tucker Carlson now has a show on MSNBC that hardly anyone watches.
by Samurai Sam September 29, 2006
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Untalented, washed up red headed bitch who like most country music singers mistakes patriotism for unswerving loyalty to the Bush administration and its half assed policies, particularly the invasion of Iraq. Unfairly criticized the much more talented Dixie Chicks for Natalie Maines' unabashed opinion of George W. Bush.
Reba McEntire, along with Toby Keith and Lee Greenwood, produce music for simple minded assholes who don't know the difference between patriotism and jingoiosm. This is one of the main reasons that country music sucks.
by Samurai Sam September 18, 2006
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Another name for Ann Coulter, and the title of her next book that will be purchased in droves by brain dead conservatives.
Did you read the latest book by nazi cunt?
by Samurai Sam September 29, 2006
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Untalented country douchebag who saw a vast untapped market in making CDs full of songs exploiting American troops and advocating extreme nationalism and selling them to uninformed, educated assholes who incorrectly equate patriotism with jingoism and unquestionable loyalty to the Bush administration.

After finding out that being a shill for the Bush administration made him more money than doing commercials for Ford trucks and 10-10-220 he recorded even more such songs, becoming even more of a sellout than he was before that time. He also shot his mouth off with unwarranted and unwelcome comments about the Dixie Chicks, who are better Americans and better patriots than he could ever think of becoming.
Toby Keith is a loudmouthed, ingorant piece of shit.
by Samurai Sam September 18, 2006
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