11 definitions by Samson III

Blang me later.

Hold up, I'm getting blanged.
by Samson III October 6, 2005
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Verb. To drink. Derived originally from tailgating before a sporting event such as a football game, it later became known as drinking before any gathering. It now refers simply to drinking, because any activity afterward is acceptable to drink for.
You: Dude, let's go out and shoot some pool.
Me: Naw I'm just gonna pregame and play some Nintendo, then go to bed.
You: What you pregaming for?
Me: Bed.
by Samson III October 17, 2005
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Exclamation. Props given out by a l337 d0g.
Timmy: I just own3d that guy who was going around ganking n00bs.

Fido: w00f.
by Samson III June 6, 2006
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A villain in the popular TV series, "Heroes." He was told by the professor researching human evolution that he had gained no abilities through his genetic mutation. This professor then talked at length about the "evolutionary imperative" to survive. This drove Sylar mad with the need to prove his worth and specialness.

Sylar's genetic mutation actually endowed him with intuitive aptitude, the ability to recognize and manipulate patterns within complex systems. He uses this to recognize the powers of other evolved humans and replicate them, but only after cutting out their brains to perform some unknown process.
Sylar seized the evolutionary imperative. Shouldn't you?
by Samson III February 22, 2007
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(n.) A measure of the net output of w00t from a given body. One can find through simple mathematics that the w00t into a person at any given time is equal to the w00t out of that person. This is why w00tage should be reciprocated.
Tommy: OMFG Billy w00t w00t w00t U R Awesome!
BIlly: So are you! w00t w00t.
Tommy: Wow, our w00tage is disproportional. You can't be my friend now.
Billy: w00t!
Tommy: You are forgiven.
by Samson III May 1, 2006
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Verb. To drink heavily and pass out touching or on top of another person while either party has a significant other not in attendance. Generally the result of hard alcohol.
I know you've got a man, but let's drink this fifth of Bombay Sapphire and then jonandbattle tonight.

She broke up with him because he jonandbattled with that cheerleader.
by Samson III October 6, 2005
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(n.) A question intended to gauge the life expectancy of a relationship that vaguely insinuates wishes for its end.
Carrion Questions:

How's your boyfriend?
Did he bring you flowers for your show?
Where are you going on your date?
What did he get you for Valentine's Day?
by Samson III October 17, 2006
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