13 definitions by Sahara Desert

1.the middle of the day or night
2.a type of clock where the direction that you face becomes 12 O'clock.it is usually used to secretely point out the location of a hot girl, or anything of that sort.
Example 1.
dude 1. yo what time is it?
dude 2. its 12 O' Clock
dude 1. Which one?
Dude 2. in the afternoon.
dude 1. Word?
Example 2.
JO. yo there is a chick over there with nice tigobigees
Me. where?
Jo. 12 O'Clock
me. Sweeeet
by Sahara Desert December 17, 2008
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1.A condition that occurs when one is in deep thought while looking in the same direction for a long time.
1. OOh i think boby is daydreaming about that girl sexy ass.
2 Where?
1. right in front of him
2. oooooo
by Sahara Desert February 11, 2009
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1. a foreign type of currency that is equivelant to the U.S.A Quarter Dollar(25 cent)
2. a word that can be used to substitute bulshitt
1. lolipops at a convient store, cost about a Shilling now adays.

2. stop all these lies, its total Shilling.
by Sahara Desert December 30, 2009
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1. Rasha mean Gazelle in Arabic.
2. A very hot Lebanese girl that you initially believed was Christian but turned out was a Muslim and broke your heart. It's not going to be easy to convert Rasha to Christianity. I'll still bang her though.
Person 1. Damn Rasha looks good.
Person 2. I know she is a Muslim too and I never saw her with a Hijab.
Person 1. Damnit I really wanted her to be my wife.
Person 2. Hahaha you are a loser!
by Sahara Desert December 23, 2008
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1.the number cause of global warming.
2. a herd of animals that have been eaten for thousands of years by humans.
3. an animal whoes shit smells ten times worse than the toilet at its badest.
1.damn cows emitting all that CO2
2.eating Cows, its so easy, a caveman can do it.
3. dude man someone laid a number 2 on the toilet, it smells like cow doodo
by Sahara Desert December 16, 2008
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1. To indicate duties or obligations. To express warning or disapproval to ecspecially in a gentle, earnest, or solicitious manner.
2. to give friendly earnest advice or encouragement to.
Chick 1: I admonish you to talk to Liasor.
Chick 2: Really you actually thick I have a shot with him?
Chick 1: Yeah sista you know you be workin it!
Chick 2: Yeah I've been practicing.
Chick 1: I can tell! He be liking them thick hoes though.
Chick 2: K then lets go to McDonalds.
by Sahara Desert December 24, 2008
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To lotion yourself after a shower, go back into the shower and then lotion yourself again
I wanted you to relotion yourself after that second shower
by Sahara Desert September 30, 2009
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