5 definitions by S'got"MostLike08TarotMagician"

An ordinance, rule or laws that poor people could actually afford to live with, abide by and not be harmed with.
The new ordinances had harmed and hampered the poor, next time let's go with betterore suiting poordinance(s).
by S'got"MostLike08TarotMagician" February 14, 2023
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Hellions bent on destruction or used like the curse word mf'er. Or a not too offensive hot raunchy sex-stank.
As in: that's the same cats-frumunda that I smelled last week or; are you the cats-frumunda

ones that stole my ceramic peter pan statue and did that cemetery vandalism?.
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A crappy patina on a metal or other surface.
You wouldn't know it from their scatina, but these people are not chicken feces.
by S'got"MostLike08TarotMagician" January 17, 2023
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Interchangable with wang-whacker, tallywhacker or bird chopping utensil, also might have been used like many other insults or rhyming insults.
Maybe after a very extensive observation period, I fear they might try to harm me tallywhacker with all these pecker-whackers with their pecker-whacking utensils. They have harmed my duck and now I have reason to believe they're sending the birds of prey level pecker-whacker dragoons.
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Someone who is maybe burley gruff and weather a bad person or criminally insane or not, as if grizzled and chiseled by sex drugs alcohol and pervasive amorality and damaged by social damagers. Or a deep undercover bureaucratic vigilante insane ass-clown pos.
Hey Prometheus and Bob you crusty rusty unsavory folks take you and your insane federali ass clown possy somewhere away from beautiful young poor people..
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