43 definitions by Russell Clark

She always maintained a fresh supply of battries and didn't need a boyfriend.
by Russell Clark April 18, 2003
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A dumb, good-looking younger man, probably a gigolo or possibly even a dumcumpster who is suddenly seen around town with an upstart or otherwise gossipable divorcee, and one who decidedly keeps her new beau out of her usual social circles, which she has deserted for the time being. Similar but in opposite sense to the girlfriend from Canada of Saturday Night Live fame. A knowing play on the the phrase "mystery beef" or perhaps, even on "Mister eBeef", which is a reference to a no-strings-attached hookup acquired via the Internet.
Bob: After Suzy won the lotto last year she went Parish Chilton big time and like crazy fast, fried and dyed her hair, got Botox, Lipo and boob implants and then moved with her passle of chirrens into that abandoned mansion of a spec house there in Collyel - you know, the one with the large swimming pool shaped like a Jim Beam bottle. Oh, and she finally lawyered up and divorced that good for nothing moron Tommy who's been sponging off of her all these years. Next thing you know, she bought herself a Chihuahua, a Hummer H3 and is now with Misteree beef on a two week cruise to Cancun.

Marcus: "One word. . . go girl!" Bob: "Man, bruh, money can't buy good taste!" Marcus: "Who said it had too, lil bro?"

by Russell Clark December 3, 2006
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A common tactic of an Identity Deficit Disorder sufferer. Akin to the regifting practice made famous by Seinfeld, except not with Christmas presents for ones friends, but with endearing nicknames for ones lovers. The cynical practice of pimp daddies everywhere.
Back in High School, whenever I wasn't dating anyone, my best friend Marcus would sometimes kindly invite me out with him on his dates. I started begging off though after a few such get togethers and not just for the obvious reason that this was a kind of weird social practice, but actually mostly because I got sick of seeing how Marcus shamelessly practiced the recycling of endearments like "sweetums", "loviekins" and "babydoll". Of course the girl of the moment was none the wiser to all this.
by Russell Clark December 3, 2006
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The act, individual or collective of introducing into the human rectum, a live gerbal, usual an adult male for the purpose of gaining, directly or indirectly, sadistic and erotic gratification.
The inventor of the "J-tube" self-delivery system was an avid devotee of gerbaling.
by Russell Clark March 15, 2004
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A species of the genus Homo native to the Boskop region of South Africa between 10,000 and 30,000 B.C., averaging between 5.0 and 6.0 feet in height and boasting of an average cranial capacity of 1500-1800 cubic centimeters versus the more modest average of 1250-1500 cc for modern homo sapiens.
Boskop man exhibited a high cranial-to-facial ratio approaching 5-to-1 versus the modern ratio of 3-to-1. Consequently Boskop man exhibited a high degree of neotony with a cranial-to-facial ratio more appropriate to that of a two to three-year-old homo sapiens child.

The Boskop people are to many archaeologists inexplicable because no evidence remains of the factors that must have been present in their environment which over time selected for the appearance of out-sized brains. The Boskop were, according to Loren Eiseley, both negroid and neotonous in appearance and may well represent the highest level yet achieved in the evolutionary development of the genus homo.
by Russell Clark March 15, 2008
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Checking one's email though certain one has received no important communication. Compulsively and frequently checking one's email when one is not expecting an important message.
Between friends in a cybercafe: "Hey could you hurry up so I can get on and check my email?" "Who are you kidding, little bro, you know all your email buddies have dropped you like a brick!" "Yeah, I gotta check my spam. . . vamoose!"
by Russell Clark December 3, 2006
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The Forward AWOL Recovery Team, or FART is small body of soldiers, usually including the AWOL soldier's squad leader and several members of the AWOL soldier's own platoon that is informally composed by the Platoon Sergeant and/or Platoon Leader for "executing AWOL recovery procedures." Intelligence as to the nearby whereabouts of the AWOL soldier must be considered reliable and the FART must be fielded and report back to duty before the team members are noticed missing by the Company Commander (CC), unless the CC is complicit and can provide a plausible cover story to the Battalion Commander (BC) to buy time for the FART's operations.
Internal military memos issued by National Guard two star generals and above have made clear that commanders at all levels are to be held accountable for controlling manageable losses, which certainly suggests to lower level commanders a real need for the Forward AWOL Recovery Team (FART). According to these memos, "commanders must retain at least 85 percent of soldiers who are scheduled to end their active duty and 90 percent of soldiers scheduled to ship for Initial Entry Training, and execute the AWOL recovery procedures for every AWOL soldier." It is largely for this reason that the practice by lower level commanders of aggressively and secretly issuing FART's is likely to continue.
by Russell Clark January 13, 2007
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