16 definitions by Rose likes pie

A freaky show meant for young children. Sure, most of you reading this probably watched it as a kid but it is totally freaky. The show follows the adventures of Pat, a weird-ass postman (who is probably gay and only pretends to be married with kids) and his equally gay pet cat Jess. What happens in a typical episode is:

Theme song plays, and then Pat has to deliver the mail but usually experiences some sort of problem and has to solve it. By the end it is solved and then the same tune as the theme song plays but in whistles.

Whatever the creators were smoking, it's gone and ruined people's minds.

See also: Teletubbies, Fireman Sam, Boohbah, Bob the Builder, Thomas the Tank Engine
Postman Pat ruined my toddlerhood.
by Rose likes pie November 22, 2009
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Weiner, weenie, peepee, schlong.
That idiot over there has his winkie bird out.
by Rose likes pie November 18, 2009
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Where you go when you lose a fight.
I'm sending you on a one-way trip to Planet Hurt!
by Rose likes pie November 8, 2009
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