191 definitions by Richard Black

Guys needing a blow job who drop by a queen's place for quick relief at odd hours.
Sandy had so much carriage trade during the day he had almost quit cruising the strip at night.
by Richard Black March 14, 2005
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strength; endurance; power or ability
Tyrone had topped four girls after the senior prom already, and when Takeshia came along and groped him, he did not have the strenth to take her on.
by Richard Black March 2, 2005
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A George Bushism; a word derived from the act of placing incongruous syllables together to form a new word. It is 'white ebonics' and developed by non-users of the King's English, George Bush.
George Bush ordered a preemptive strike on Iraq as he wanted to irradimacate Saddam, something his father failed to do. This act stole our youth's educational pursuits to gradumacate from college.
by Richard Black June 11, 2005
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v. performing any of a multitude of sex acts
The San Diego hos were lining the docks and ready to service the sailors who were returning to shore after six months at sea.
by Richard Black May 13, 2005
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adj. phrase to describe certain married females who wanted to work outside of the home but forbidden by their protective husbands. Usage common in the U.S. to about 1960.
Joe kept Sarah hushed up about working a factory shift by keeping her barefoot and pregnant. He knocked her up everytime she bled so she'd have too much to do at home than to think about other work.
by Richard Black April 29, 2005
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a short-changed black man; one with a short dick.
Ruby lost her horniness when she got home and in bed with Sam and found out his dick was the size of her tube of lipstick. She had accidentally picked up a shawty at the bar.
by Richard Black March 5, 2005
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Beef testicles battered and fried; considered gourmet dining in the American west even though they are tough and have gristles.
The Brown Derby parboils their mountain oyster dishes so they won't be so tough and hard to chew.
by Richard Black March 11, 2005
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