22 definitions by Reverend Pope

One person is designated as 'The rain catcher' several others position themselves on the roof of a house, they then begin to urinate from the roof as the rain catcher attmepts to catch all the urine in his mouth.

When they are finished, if it is deemed the rain catcher has not caught enough rain a high pressure hose will fire watery liquid shit over his or her face and into his or her mouth
Guy 1: Hey man are you still ill

Guy 2: Yeah, I cant believe i missed Kirby's party, was it any good

Guy 1: Well after we kicked waters out we all had a game of Catalonian Rain Catcher

Guy 2: Fuck no way, I love that shit, especially when all thje liquidy shit hits my face

Guy 1: Man Si forced us to let im be the rain catcher so it wasn't that great
by Reverend Pope September 11, 2009
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When a person who has taken laxatives (usually in prepearation for a stunt shitting exercise such as Albanian Roulette, Albanian Baby Shower, Bulgarian Carpet Bomb, Glaswegian Zeppelin Crash, or Haggis Surprise) ends up shitting to early or in the wrong place. The said person's anus wil leak their watery liquid will spill out much like an oil spill. Due to the nature of such stunt shitting exercises the liquidity of the shit will behigh and will spill for quite a distance covering a very large area
Matt: Me and Xander were gonna Bulgarian Carpet Bomb that lamer Curtress' party but Xander goes and takes too many laxatives, he caused a Hamburg Oil Spill all over my car

John: Holy shit dude I hope you made him lick it clean

Bill: Damn Fucking Straight
by Reverend Pope May 21, 2009
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When you start telling a joke or a story, realise halfway through that the listeners are not going to find it funny, but have already committed to telling it and feel obligated to finish.
Guy 1: A man goes into a ...(tharr be more)bar and asks for a Bulgarian Carpet Bomb...
Girl: Ewww that's gross!
Guy 1: Erm, yeah, anyway, and so, erm, the bartender...
Guy 2: Man, you are so Through the Joking Glass.
Guy 1: Shut up you Mantraitor
by Reverend Pope March 13, 2010
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A Person, usually female, takes several slow to medium acting laxatives. Several males, usually four, then punch the bottom out of a chair and sit her down on it, placing themselves around the chair they take it in turns to place their heads under it for a set amount of time, usually around 10 to 20 seconds. Eventually the female will shit upon the head of one male meaning he is the looser. The other males will proceed to kick him in the groin area as he is being defecated upon
Liz "Happy Birthday Johnny, as a special treat I brought some laxatives with me, now we can play Catalonian Roulette"

Johnny "No freaking way, that is totally awesome, this is gonna be the best Birthday ever"

Matt "Sound frickin sweet, I hope I dont loose again, last time you guys kicked me in the crotch so hard I was pissing blood for a week"
by Reverend Pope September 11, 2009
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1. The Tragic glaswegian zeppelin crash of 1956 where hundreds of people died horrifically

2. Where group of guys shit repeatedly into the mouth, noses and ears of each other, cover each other with their hot sticky man sauce and lick each other clean
1 "Today we will remember the sad demise of so many people in a horrific accident, may they be remembered forever in the Glaswegian Zeppelin Crash"

2. Guy 1 "Today we will remember the sad demise of so many people in a horrific accident may they be rememberd forever after their Glaswegian Zeppelin Crash"

Guy 2 " Man after 17 hours of shitting and wanking over each other they didn't stand a chance, god bless them and their liquidy goodness"
by Reverend Pope May 20, 2009
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A group of guys set up a conveyor belt and defecate on it, preferably with big liquidy shits, they then tie their penis' to the belt so they become covered in the shit, they guy whose cock seems least covered in shit has to suck all the other guys off and clean their cocks of shit, then has the conveyor belt re-routed so all the shit falls into his mouth.
Girl 1: Si your mouth tastes really weird today, I dont want to kiss you any more

Guy 1: Sorry Anisha me and the boys set up an Catalonian Sausage Factory last night, and my cock is so small I couldnt get it fully covered in shit

Girl 1: What the fuck thats sick, i'm dumping you, i wanna date that hot guy you sit next to

Guy 1: Shit man, if only I hadnt agreed ot that Catalonian Sausage Factory... What am i saying, its the best fucking thign ever
by Reverend Pope September 11, 2009
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A man who seeks the adoration of women by abandoning the values that real men hold dear.
Guy 1: Man, that Zac Efron is such a faggot-ass mantraitor!
Guy 2: I know, I'd love to Bulgarian Carpet Bomb one of his parties.
Guy 1: Sweet dude that'd be righteous
by Reverend Pope December 12, 2009
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