19 definitions by RedBlade7

A derogatory term used as an insult to Linux users. Often said by Windows users (see "wintroll").
Linuxfux are stupid. I can't get this operating system to work.
by RedBlade7 December 8, 2007
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One who "spams" Linux newsgroups and message boards with pro-Windows messages.
"Don't feed the M$-funded Wintroll."
by RedBlade7 December 8, 2007
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An online slang dictionary where every word means (or has something to do with) a pussy.
1: What is the Scientific Method?
2: Let's look it up on Urban Dictionary!
1: According to Urban Dictionary, the "Scientific Method" is the method in which a man eats pussy in a scientific way.
by RedBlade7 March 27, 2008
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Legend has it that in the World of Warcraft, there exists an Orcish Dominatrix. Better not cross her path! They say that those who went searching for her have never returned.
by RedBlade7 March 26, 2008
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A type of fatty food which, due to the time it takes to make it, only exists for personal convenience. The only people who like fast food are children.
(Scenario 1)
1: I am in a rush, will have to pick up some fast food on the way there for lunch.
2: Okay.

(Scenario 2)
3: I want some fast food!
4: Why?
3: Because it tastes good!
4: Ugh? How old are you?
by RedBlade7 April 8, 2008
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Someone who either:

1. Wants to return the dollar to a gold standard,
2. Wants to use gold as money in addition to the dollar, or
3. Collects or invests in gold, silver, and/or other precious metals.

Gold bugs are sometimes associated with paranoia, conspiracy theories, 9/11 "truthers," survivalism, tax protesters, racism, anti-semitism, and the far right.
As a gold bug, I can tell you that gold is REAL money, and worthless fiat paper money is a fraud.
by RedBlade7 March 31, 2008
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