55 definitions by Rebecca

Term of endearment. Slurred wording, said to your lover in a very lovey dovey moment. Best said in a cutsie voice. Only can be said about boyfriends who are totally awesome, like Pete Dinardo.
by Rebecca March 17, 2005
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A person, generally white, who is convinced anyone who he doesn't know is bad-news. Stays with a small circle of friends which are just generally the redneck's family esp. cousins. They seem to not have any real social skills nor goals in life.
The rednecks felt threatened when they saw the man walk by with 2 women. So they tried to attack the man. But the rednecks lost the fight as well as their 2 teeth they all had left.
by Rebecca April 10, 2004
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Billy is the hottest "goody goody" on this whole damn planet!
by Rebecca August 12, 2003
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"Even though Frankie and Carla only knew each other for a couple days, on one drunken night, they took part in a LOVE HANDSHAKE"
by Rebecca July 6, 2003
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..I'll be back, I need a bit of time with shpoink, god damn sexual frustration.
by Rebecca December 18, 2004
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