240 definitions by Rachel

When someone needs to fart really bad but is holding it in for some reason, and the gas is so bad it burns.
"Poor Sam. He was at an interview last week and had an ass of fire for an hour!"
by Rachel February 24, 2003
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1. Something your true love breaks, or keeps. It's all up to them.
2. The thing inside you that holds your feelings for a certain person.
by Rachel March 25, 2005
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A young man who is very obviously a homosexual but has not yet realized it. Usually used by itself as an exclamation.
If a young man is in musical theatre and very flamboyant, yet greatly defends his heterosexuality, you aside to your friend "Flambang!"
by Rachel August 16, 2004
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Itis the style of your hair after having amazing sex
Usually messy and sticking up on end
Mark:Yo Man did u screw shelly last night?
Jeff:Yah how'd you know?
Mark: well dude.. you have total sex hair!
by Rachel April 2, 2005
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The term for those who belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. IT IS NOT A CULT.
If you're Mormon, you practice Mormonism. Mormonism is NOT a cult.
by Rachel June 6, 2004
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