240 definitions by Rachel

A male nanny. From the same roots as murse, a male nurse.
I felt uncomfortable letting a manny babysit my kid.
by Rachel July 30, 2004
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When a person adds a needless definition to a free public dictionary already filled with tons of extraneous words and phrases. See retard
"Kindergarten complex. Who the hell needs to know that word?" cried Johnny.
by Rachel February 24, 2005
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a. to reach total enlightenment

b. the bitchinist fukkin band out there
Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of Nirvana.
by Rachel November 2, 2003
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its what you are when your jrgy, rss, brsy, jakee, enree (hes foreign exchange), charles, penel & cynth
"Come on guys, theyre so cool, lets SNARK it with the snarkinZ."
by Rachel March 25, 2004
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