37 definitions by RENEGATUS DOT COM

A form of hip-hop music that is socially conscious. Emphasis is placed upon the lyrics and beat production, usually inspired by the world around the producer/rapper. Few artists adopt the style for fear of being seen as nerdy, but it is far from that.
Common, Kanye West and Talib Kweli all make backpack rap.
by RENEGATUS DOT COM August 22, 2005
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A: "Yo dude, I gots Sandy behind the bike sheds, ya know."
B: "Doggin' it."
by RENEGATUS DOT COM November 11, 2003
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1. Sarcastication of "brb" used in SMS and Instant Messaging meaning, "be right back".
"Barri Bee, need to get a Coke."
by RENEGATUS DOT COM October 12, 2003
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Used at start of sentence to link to last sentence.
B:"Apropos, she entered the matrix to save your life at the cost of her own."
by RENEGATUS DOT COM October 18, 2003
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A person of particular annoyance, someone who always bugs you when you're online or sucks up to you at work/school.
by RENEGATUS DOT COM July 14, 2004
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