15 definitions by PornSoldier

1. Verb. To Degift a regift. Think about it, you'll figure it out.
Brother: Man this gift sucks. (What the heck is it? I'll just give it to my sister.) Here you can have it.
Sister: Aww thanks brother! I always wanted one of these!
Brother: (Hey she actually likes it, maybe its useful) Actually wait, can i de-regift you? Erm degift you?
by PornSoldier December 13, 2006
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A symptom caused from a state inwhich one's brain is temporarily "drunk" due to one's unrestrained will to persue a mental exercise and refuse to satisfy certain physiological needs.

In order for a beer drinker to become drunk, he/she must have drank beer to the point that it became excessive to their body - neglecting their physiological needs. As a result, one of their symptoms is BEER* breath. Meaning, whenever this person talks, no matter what the hell they talk about, they blow an odor of beer to the crowd among them.
*Beer can be replaced in this example with whatever alcoholic beverage

Drawing the parallel from the model above:
In order for a mental exercist to become "brain drunk", he/she must have performed a mental excercise to the point that it became excessive to their body - neglecting their physiological needs. As a result one of their symptoms is brain breath. Meaning, whenever this person thinks, no matter what the hell they think about, they "blow an oder" of this mental exercise within their own brain.
"Even though I was so tired, I had to spend 13 hours last night to finish reading my philosophy book for homework. By the end of it I had brain breath. When I went to sleep, all I could think about was 'Aristotle this', 'existentialist that'. In fact, was so brain drunk that I even thought about ethics in my dreams. Now that I think about it, I'm not even sure if I even did fall asleep. I feel like i got a serious headache - you might even call it a hangover!"
by PornSoldier March 18, 2008
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Latest McDonald's convention to rip off customers $1.49 at a time.
Customer: One snack wrap please
Employee: $1.49 please
by PornSoldier June 29, 2007
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Pun. Combination of "happiness" and "penis" to get the meaning happiness found in (having) penis...happiness for heterosexual women or homosexual men
Girl: Don't we all want hapenis?
by PornSoldier December 13, 2006
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Nerd talk for 3-hole punch
Nerd Student: Pass the Tri-Phasic Perforator
Miss: The wha???
by PornSoldier June 29, 2007
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Most powerful hp recovering spell in the game of Final Fantasy.
Wakka: Quickly Yuna use Curaga! I'm dying!!!
Tidus: Nope he's gone...toss a Phoenix Down.
by PornSoldier November 29, 2006
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All you startrek fans...this is for you.

A protective shield or barrier made of energy to protect or isolate a person, area or object.
Captain: Computer create a forcefield around the warpcore in main engineering!
Computer: Specify frequency pattern...
Captain: I don't give a damn just create a forcefield!
*Forcefield activated*
by PornSoldier December 13, 2006
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