18 definitions by Pointer of the Obvious

Someone who still needs fantasy and a belief in the supernatural to comprehend life.

The stage before post theological.
Not being able to understand evolution or basic science, he decided that he would be Pre Theological and just let his religion answer all of the hard questions for him. He allowed himself to do this because it was easier than having to think and he was afraid of what his family would say.
by Pointer of the Obvious October 14, 2008
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What insecure young males call each other when they don't have anything intelligent, clever, or witty to say.

The term is meant to be derogatory, but usually just points out that the person who uses it is unsure about their own sexuality.
Dave: Yo momma's so fat Her blood type is Ragu.
Steve: Oh yeah, well... ...you're a faggot!!!
Dave: That's all you got? Wow, how sad. Say, wanna blow me?
Steve: Yes.
by Pointer of the Obvious August 18, 2008
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The act of throwing a shoe at someone out of disgust.
Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al Zeidi threw shoes at George Bush at a press conference, simultaneously committing almost certain shoe-cide and becoming hero and inspiration for millions.
by Pointer of the Obvious April 18, 2009
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A word used by the far right wing to label people who are intelligent as not being of the people. By doing so, the far right wing is insulting those they wish to reach by saying that couldn't possibly relate to anyone an IQ over 100.
Even thought John McCain owns 7 homes, is worth over 100 million dollars, has an economic advisor who thinks that our recession is caused by whiners, and doesn't have a clue how much a gallon of milk costs, he still calls Obama an elitist.
by Pointer of the Obvious August 22, 2008
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The answer to the unfortunate and overused fad currently occupying 13-15 year old kids who have yet to learn about a) masturbation or b) cable.
Of the thousands of scene kids out there, none have an original thought, show any creativity, or stand out from any of the other losers who look and act just like them. So sorry guys, we have all scene-it.
by Pointer of the Obvious August 1, 2008
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The Governor of Alaska and John McCain's Vice Presidential running mate for the 2008 election.
Sarah Palin will be a Jeopardy answer, but never a Vice President.
by Pointer of the Obvious August 29, 2008
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Mother In Need of Attention

Usually seen sporting a huge wedding ring, tight cloths, fuck me boots and a single friend. Never seen with husband. Generally does not actually want to hook up, but needs to feel attractive and wanted.
The other night at the club there was a pack of MINAs who flirted with every guy in the place, hit on the bartenders, acted vaguely bi and who all went home alone before midnight.
by Pointer of the Obvious October 30, 2009
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