18 definitions by Plenty of Fish

Fronting that you care about COVID-19 safety precautions for optics or to impress a match.
I was super stoked to find someone who’s also taking COVID guidelines seriously, but she’s totally maskerading! She posted an Instagram story last night and she was at a huge house party
by Plenty of Fish November 10, 2020
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When someone only posts group photos on their dating profile, making it hard to determine who they are and what they look like.
This guy is totally guilty of waldo-ing – all his dating app photos are group pics! How am I supposed to know which one he is?!
by Plenty of Fish November 10, 2020
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When you watch TikTok all day and realize it’s massively interfering with your dating life.
Girl, you have to get off TikTok for a day and try a dating app instead, you’re tok-blocking yourself into staying single!
by Plenty of Fish November 10, 2020
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Declining to date someone because you don’t feel they’re taking COVID-19 seriously enough
If I had a nickel for every time I found myself fauci-ing someone this year, I could pay off my student loans.
by Plenty of Fish November 10, 2020
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When someone’s chat is twice baked and you have the same repetitive boring COVID convos, from sourdough to banana bread.
I just had to get out of that chat, it was so twice baked and I’m utterly sick of talking about the pandemic.
by Plenty of Fish November 12, 2020
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Ending a long-term relationship despite friends and family thinking you're making a mistake.
As if breakups aren't tough enough, I'm always Bradying because my friends and fam get too attached to my girlfriends.
by Plenty of Fish November 10, 2020
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Indiscriminately spamming every match with a basic "Hey there," "Hey you," "Hey," "Hi," and praying that someone will respond and be interested.
Ugh, this is the fifth guy this week to hey & pray me, what do you even say back to "hey"?
by Plenty of Fish November 10, 2020
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