6 definitions by Phoenix797

Fake news

Fake news is a piece of news which has been distributed by a news organisation which contains some form of dishonesty, typically to promote a political agenda. Fake news can be broken down into a number of categories, which are:

Outright lie - The news piece contains a claim which is objectively false.

Lying by omission - the deliberate exclusion of information from the news piece which is critical to properly understanding the situation.

Lying by structure - the deliberate positioning of critical information at the end of a news report, resulting in many people not actually hearing the full story.

Selective outrage - deliberately reporting on a event which supports a particular political narrative, while ignoring similar events which would go against the desired narrative.

Emotive appeal - structuring a news piece in such a way as to attempt to emotionally manipulate the audience instead of focusing on the facts of the situation.

Hidden retraction - a news organisation will make a claim which is false, and then correct their original statement in such a way that fewer people will see the correction than saw the original news piece.
"This news channel is fake news, they are always lying and being dishonest!"
by Phoenix797 June 26, 2018
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Short for "alternative right". Alt-right is a projective term used by neo-Marxists to brand anyone who does not want the ethnic genocide of Europeans and the destruction of western civilisation as a neo-nazi. The irony of a group that wants the destruction of an ethnic group they view as evil calling someone a neo-nazi is completely lost on anyone who uses the term.
"I don't want Europeans subverted out of their homeland and eventually being destroyed, Every race has a right to a homeland, and to live in peace"

by Phoenix797 July 31, 2018
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Kleptogamy ( derived from the Greek klepto ("to steal"), and gamos ("marriage"). is a behavior pattern in which males which lack attractive characteristics attempt to mate with females by means of deceptive behavior. Kleptogamy is seen throughout the animal kingdom, but is most often seen in humans.

Common examples of Kleptogamy among beta male humans include pretending to be homosexual in order to gain the trust of a female, or claiming to be a feminist in order to signal their submission to the female, and attempt to trick her into believing the male to be virtuous.

Males that employ kleptogamy have been found to have a much higher tendency towards being sexual predators due to their inability to attract a mate through ordinary means.
"Unattractive beta males will often resort to Kleptogamy"
by Phoenix797 June 27, 2018
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Hating White People

Hating white people is a political position popular among unsuccessful demographics who look for an excuse as to why they themselves are unsuccessful. Much like the Nazis with the Jews, these people will blame every social ill on the successful European race (believing they are being oppressed by them), and will often advocate for their own "final solution". (i.e genocide). Hatred of whites is very common among black and muslim populations.
SJW: "Hating white people is ok because they're oppressing us!"
Normal person: "How are they oppressing you? By giving you free money?"
by Phoenix797 August 5, 2018
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A neo-marxist is a person who adheres to neo-marxism. Neo-marxism is an offshoot of marxism, in which it is believed that all societal ills come from the divide between the rich (who are claimed to be undeserving of their wealth) and the poor (who are claimed to be oppressed). Marxists believe that all personal failings are of a direct result of someone else oppressing you, and that another person cannot be successful without oppressing another.

Neo-marxism differs from marxism by abandoning the dichotomy of rich vs poor and instead adopt identity politics. Instead of the dichotomy being between wealthy and poor, it is between successful and unsuccessful demographics. Neo-marxists divide all demographics (white, black, asian, male, female, gay, straight, etc) and place them in a hierarchy of oppression as determined by how successful that demographic is. White and Asian men are at the bottom of this hierarchy, whereas blacks and females are near the top (although the exact order is not widely accepted).

Neo-marxists believe that successful demographics are only successful because they exploit the less successful demographics, and as such believe that the more successful demographics (i.e the 'rich' of classical marxism) should be punished in some way, and what they have should be given to the less successful demographics. Typically this involves giving these demographics money, positions, and political influence simply for being a member of a "oppressed" demographic.
Neo-marxist: "White men are evil and oppressive! We need to remove them from society!"
by Phoenix797 August 5, 2018
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To be defeated by Donald Trump.

Before Donald Trump, to be trumped by something meant to be bested by something. This term was popularised by the card game "top trumps".
"Hillary Clinton got Trump'd!"
by Phoenix797 June 27, 2018
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