4 definitions by Peter "Deacon" Bakke

That which cannot be named. Used as a substitute for the name of an object that you don't know or that you have forgotten in the deep recesses of your mind. The word is usually preceded by a pause as you perform a mental search for the object's name... unsuccessfully.
Hey, turn that.... dooflinky off!

by Peter "Deacon" Bakke July 18, 2006
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"My Humvee is costing me over two grand a year in gas."

"Tau Sigma!"
by Peter "Deacon" Bakke July 30, 2006
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That which cannot be named. Used as a substitute for the name of an object that you don't know or that you have forgotten in the deep recesses of your fermenting mind. The word is usually preceded by a pregnant pause as you perform a mental search... unsuccessfully.
Hey, turn that.... dooflingy off!

You mean my Walkman, you doofus?

Umm, yeah.
by Peter "Deacon" Bakke July 17, 2006
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A term often used in the Midwest, particularly Minnesota, to exclaim surprise, amazement or wonder.
"Sven just ate 17 bratwursts and washed them down with a sixpack of Schlitz."

by Peter "Deacon" Bakke July 15, 2006
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