32 definitions by Patrick the Starfish001

supposed to be like pre exams for high school students however after work and university when the banks and financial services stop working and a variety of businesses and corporations ask for trial fees to test out there software where there's no way to pay with broken banking and financial services.
"Did you register for the trials applications?" "No becasue the banking and financial services are retarded anf I don't want to link a visa and master card that doesn't work.
by Patrick the Starfish001 September 12, 2023
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When a incorrect passphrase is given in reprocessing to an incorrect query and the issue and or problem is not resolved correctly and the knowledge and or expertise is not there and or or available because there's too much information, not enough information, no iterative and or progressive formation to the information.
Every time I try and make financial and or banking corrections or coding corrections I am unable to bypass the systems currently in place and the convenient errors and or unknown programming/coding language requirements are not assisting myself and or the person receiving the query from allowing me to complete the relevant tasks. I am just going through iterations of repositories and diagrams and the tools are not progressively designed to allow me to see what I am doing from a practical perspective. Its not interactive enough. Then keeps trying to charge me where the charge cards won't allow billables.
by Patrick the Starfish001 September 2, 2023
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Its a computer device that is portable and replaced the desktop computer many years ago. Especially popular for gaming, work and internet search and use.
Who ever invented the name laptop ruined in person sex and bras lingeri for me from about the year 2011
by Patrick the Starfish001 January 3, 2023
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When a person wants to speak and or use vocabulary an a person has already said the phrase, the the phrase has not been expected to be said and a person doesn't want to say it or where saying something has a mixture of desirable and undesirable reactions
That person doesn't participate in certain conversations because of stunted vocabulary. Particularly regarding prejudicial topics.
by Patrick the Starfish001 October 14, 2023
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A conversational discrepancy while unemployed and or not receiving a salary to make deductions from that occurs every attempt to make fee payment request to a parent or friend and or during a job interview with a potential employer and or trying and justify not having a job due to failures and or inadequacies. Usually involves raised voices and sometimes physical contact. In the less evolved and or poorer societies sometimes leads to one and or the other dying through some type of unsolicited rage and is labeled domestic violence in certain law enforcement agencies police reports and or files for one example and then the other person has to get arrested and or go to jail with some type of manslaughter sentence for a certain duration of years and sometimes multiple years after some low grade detective is supposed to followup on a missing persons report. Otherwise generally arguments are found in programming languages however have more to do with system arguments rather than human conversation text and more to do system, programming and handling errors, mostly jargon and difficult to label in intellisense in the ide for solutions and pops out for sde as a programming coding error and or bug reporting error where not all the coding end points are defined and or the specific plugin fixes and requires some sort of patch job. Some educational institutions create debates. Generally avoided
I don't want to get into an arguement over "insert sensitive topic and or subject word here" because this is the solution "insert solution" said no one ever.
by Patrick the Starfish001 August 12, 2023
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When an advertisement is of little and or no value to the recipient of the receiver of the advertisements.
The devalued advertisements were not worth the device they were being shown on.
by Patrick the Starfish001 October 14, 2023
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Its an amount which is a value of money and or currency allocated to a cellphone sim and or iemi number, which any person and or ordinary person must have spent and or be given in order to contact different and or other people on there cellphones with each of their own sim numbers and iemi numbers. Someone benging called does not require airtime to receive a call however one needs airtime in order to make outgoing calls. calls to certain numbers overseas are restricted and calls to certain networks are restricted. If there is no airtime a voice loop of a person saying that there is no airtime please put more airtime to the user wll be told. the user then needs to have bank balnce surplus in order to purchase airtime otherwise no airtime is purchased via visas and or mastercard.
When a mother gives birth at the maternity ward, instead of the medical doctor saying congratulations he and or she should ask them to please buy more airtime to make phone calls and convert to data for service provider service offering daiily charges on unwanted services.
by Patrick the Starfish001 January 13, 2023
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