7 definitions by Opinionated Webster

When you give a two handed high five to someone, grab their hands, and knee them in the balls
Roger was being rude so I gave him a high ten
by Opinionated Webster March 23, 2016
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Going pee outdoors, preferably in a quiet place with a nice view.
Aw, man! I had a scenic piss in that forest and it was the most chill thing ever!
by Opinionated Webster June 1, 2016
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The result of mathematicians being bored as shit so they create worthless stuff like postulates and theorems and fucking horrible proofs that are meant to fail the fuck out of high school students.
I have a geometry test that decides whether I pass the class or not.
by Opinionated Webster March 23, 2016
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The smile parents give their kids when they fuck around in public but the parents can't kill their kid yet.
Joshua broke a can of tomato sauce at the grocery store so his mom gave him an I'll Kill You Later Smile before calling over an employee.
by Opinionated Webster June 2, 2016
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Small town in Alaska up the road from Wasilla where everything is trash.
If you see Houston High on your high school football/basketball/baseball/ soccer/hockey/etc. schedule, you are guaranteed a blowout victory,
by Opinionated Webster June 2, 2016
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Best hype song ever.

This 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain, and 100% reason to remember the name.
Remember the Name hypes up the football team before every game.
by Opinionated Webster June 1, 2016
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