194 definitions by Octopod

Give the kid the part that goes over the fence last. Little kids like fat.
by Octopod June 16, 2004
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A neighborhood of New Orleans noted for its distinctive dialect, vaguely resembling both Southern and New York speech. See yat.
After he spoke two sentences, I knew he grew up in the Irish Channel.
by Octopod November 30, 2003
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Unreasonably or unexpectedly inexpensive.
I was at the swap meet and I bought this dog with a bobbly head for my dashboard for a song.
by Octopod March 5, 2004
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The opposite of argument. From a legendary Monty Python sketch.
That's not an argument, it's contradiction!
No it isn't!
by Octopod November 9, 2003
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That Lord Macbeth? A real no-goodnik, lemme tell ya!
by Octopod November 10, 2003
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