69 definitions by Not Zane

A person, who, contributes little or nothing to society.

A person who usually picks on the nerd or someone smaller than him See: Coward

Usually plays football or some other sport that honestly will not help them in the long run.

____________Note Below_______________


Real athletes strive as hard as they can to reach a certain goal they strive at IE: Swimming, Running, playing Basketball, Boxing.

Many MANY Jocks cannot do these sports right, and will not anytime in the future.

Jocks waste their time on such trivial things to find out that it wont matter in the future.

Their lack of IQ and talent is replaced by good social skills, that wont matter in the long run either.

Jocks own ricers and (Despite popular belief,) spend most of their time on the internet.
The jock is the epitome of wastefulness - An unknown Roman soldier before the fall of rome.
by Not Zane July 21, 2004
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A place where one gets ripped off.
"Yo homie, I just bizzought this sword right here for 300 dollars. Let me just unsheathe it out of the scabbard--- why is it falling apart?"
by Not Zane September 18, 2004
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This term was first coined in the National Scientists Organization (NSO) in 1914. The theory is that the MSG in ramen noodles will be so severe, that it will turn your skin inside out.

The popular thing among kids (and my friends) is to buy Ramen noodles. Ramen noodles are very cheap and filling but after eating so much ramen, that your skin folds inside out, thus showing your organs and outer skin.

The second process begins when Alice Cooper walks into your driveway and dropkicks your mom all over the place.

The third process is such, whenever your skin folds into one piece, and your organs explode all over your house.

This is a very serious condition, in which, many cases are documented. I hope this was a safe, and informational theory.
One such case is that of a Betty Nelson. She was sitting in her house eating ramen noodles, when out of nowhere, her skin turned inside out and Alice Cooper himself drop kicked her mom.
by Not Zane July 22, 2004
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Very good band. Not the best band out there, but still one of the better ones.
Billy Talent rocks. - General Lee the day before his surrender
by Not Zane July 21, 2004
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Rule by God himself, or through his chosen representatives. This is THE perfect governent type, perfect justice and equity flourish.

There are some people who say communism is the most perfect governent type, obviously they do not know what they are talking about. The communistic government is atheist and believes that man has no sin or that there are no morals, no righteousness. The individual doesn't matter whenever compared to the group. All work is equally rewarded? Sound good? No, the thing is, the one who works the most is punished, whereas those who are slackers reap the benefit.

With Theocracy, or Christianity in general, it is the exact opposite of communism in every single way possible. Where the Individual matters just as much as the group.

A Theocracy promotes goodness and righteousness, and free-thinking as well. A communistic government allows no free thinking, it is ruthless and cruel with its people. It is truly an evil type of government that looks to destroy Christianity, or other types of beliefs.

The communistic government looks to brainwash the individual to be a machine, not a human being. A machine does not question the builder, and has no morals, this is what that type of government wants.

For a look into a glimpse of what would happen if communism would be allowed to happen in America, check out the book 1984.
There has only been one true theocracy in world history, that of ancient Israel. Where God mediated his law through Moses and the priesthood. All national decisions were in the hand of God.
by Not Zane September 15, 2004
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In the twilight zone, an episode which showed the dissappereance of humankind, there was one guy left in the world, a bookish type of person that read all the books that he possibly could.
In the end of the episode, he finds out he had all the time in the world to read every single book in human history, the problem was, that he broke his glasses, and could not read any book. he screamed "I had all the time in the world!"

Lesson of the episode? Dont take things for granted.

Books are cool, if you find the time to get interested in one that is.
by Not Zane August 3, 2004
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Gentlemen, we must educate ourselves. This was not a movie, Indiana Jones was a real person. And the things that went on therein, was all in real time, that is to say, it all actually happend the first time everyone seen it.
As I am typing this, Indiana Jones is more than likely out in the Aztec, fighting off generic enemies with spears. All by himself.
by Not Zane September 29, 2004
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