12 definitions by Nonery

The hybrid name for a rabbit and a monkey.
Person 1: Man, I love Riggy the Runkey!
Person 2: What's that?
Person 1: He's a super famous Youtuber and a rabbit-monkey hybrid!
by Nonery October 28, 2023
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The abbreviation for "Roblox Rule 34". It's very self explanatory.
Person 1: I love beatin' my meat to RR34.
by Nonery October 28, 2023
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The abbreviation for "Copy n' Paste", typically used to refer to a woman who has their Roblox avatar dressed with the Stitchface and/or the Korblox leg.
Person 1: God, I hate CNPs.
Person 2: Same.
by Nonery October 28, 2023
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The abbreviation for Secure, Contain, Protect or Secure, Conceal, Protect. (either one works.) A fictional foundation that contains strange anomalies throughout the world in an attempt to conceal them from the public in case they may cause any danger.
Person 1: Hey, check out what I found in the mail.
*Person 1 shows Person 2 an acceptance letter from the SCP Foundation.*
Person 2: You got hired at the SCP Foundation?!
by Nonery October 28, 2023
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The abbreviation of Tower of Hell, a Roblox game that is a randomly generated obstacle course where the goal is to reach the top.
Prson_01: Hey, you wanna play some TOH?
xXPersonTwoXx: Bet.
by Nonery October 28, 2023
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1. Someone or something who is incredibly thin.

2. Someone who dresses up their Roblox avatar as a tall male, usually paired with the Stitchface as well as combinations of messy hairs, resulting in a hairstyle that is similar to that of a bird nest.
Person 1: Man, that stick is slender!
Person 2: I know, right?

Person 1: Bro, I hate slenders so much.
Person 2: Same.
by Nonery October 28, 2023
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The act of twisting a man's testicles in an irregular way, typically to induce pain.
Person 1: Prepare for testicular torsion!
Person 2: What?
*Person 1 twists Person 2's balls*
by Nonery October 28, 2023
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