9 definitions by Nick Elsom

A jeep is a japanese peep there were 101 jeeps spotted on York town on a saturday in January JEEP CITY!!!
(Captain Charisma)
101 Jeeps was spotted today!
by Nick Elsom March 11, 2005
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stinky tbl he sits on a chair for 30 seconds and ifyou smell it it stinks of pure shit
stinky tbl dont ever let him sit on your chairs ever
by Nick Elsom April 28, 2005
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someone who is a champion and a icon a fine speciman of a dog his fordeos just keep getting beta and bigger....isnt it awfully nice 2 have a penis isnt it awfully nice 2 have a dong! du du
this aint his 1st fordeo PUNK!
by Nick Elsom April 28, 2005
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O the desperate 1 the annoyance of DIM stacks up 10 high another word 4 being rejected when asking people out eg. Someone was rejected you cud say ur like DIM now!
the desperate one rejected 3 times to date 11 march 05 their cud b more rejections in the future!!
by Nick Elsom March 11, 2005
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a munter is a cross between a dog,sheep,horse,camal and a goat
by Nick Elsom April 28, 2005
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somone who is extremely gay more gay than normal gay
eg. stinky is gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
by Nick Elsom April 28, 2005
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ermmmmmmmmmmmmm well....... kassle
kassle is a very proud creature easily offended
by Nick Elsom April 28, 2005
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