40 definitions by Newbia

A place where unappreciated teacher attempt to teach kids something. Most kids think school is 'pointless' well guess what stupid, if you payed attention you'd know why this was useful. Since you hate school so much why don't you spend all day slaving at a job instead?
Most people who like school are nerds aka smart people.
by Newbia May 5, 2004
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A place characterized by frivolity, excessive display of how fancy this place is, and pretentious.

It comes from the the book Pilgrim's Progress, where there was a fair in a town called Vanity. Later on, there was a book called Vanity Fair, and that's when it became a common term.
I got invited to a party at my friend Martha's house. You know, the rich girl who's related to the queen? Anyway, the party was a vanity fair.

What movie should we see? I'm thinking of seeing Vanity Fair. It's based on a novel I had to read in high school.
by Newbia September 1, 2004
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What ever you are really good (usually best) at doing.
"Multiplication is my strong suit," said the math teacher.
by Newbia June 22, 2004
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When you have to do something, and in order to finish it faster you leave some parts out. This is usually negative and associated with cheating.
The history report was due on Monday so Maya cut corners by leaving out the time line.

Robert was supposed to run around the entire track but he cut corners by taking a shortcut and not going around the corners. (I believe this is where the term is derived from)
by Newbia May 30, 2004
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1)The language of the people who live in France.

2)Short for French kiss which means to put your tongue in someone's mouth when you kiss them.
1)I had to learn a second language in school so I chose French.

2)While I was making out with my boyfriend, he put his tongue in my mouth, which later I learned is called a French kiss.
by Newbia June 10, 2004
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Any hentai that deals with girl getting raped by aliens with tentacles. It is named after a famous hentai film featuring tentacle rape.
One story claims that urotsukidoji became popular because it was illegal in Japan to show an uncensored penis. However, the law said nothing about uncensored tentacles. I'm not sure if this is true or not.
by Newbia December 29, 2005
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A text that has various common problems (usually having to do with the computer) on it, and what you can do to fix them.
"Oh man," sighed David, "My computer is flickering again. What can I do to stop it?"

"Why don't you look in trouble shooting?" suggested his coworker.
by Newbia June 24, 2004
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