6 definitions by Ne1hypinup fdx

When an elderly gentleman requires a young padwan to scrape the dried juices from his underpants with the use of their tongue
“Who’s going to to codge grandpas butter tonight?”

“I love codging grandpas butter, it gives me the nutrients I need to be an effective citizen
by Ne1hypinup fdx May 27, 2023
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When a powerful count requires you to snip the hairs from around his anus
“ I’m in good need of a grimble shmeeding tonight”

“I grimble shmed the f*ck out of him”

“Please bake me a nice grimble shmeed pie”
by Ne1hypinup fdx May 28, 2023
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“You’re my dirty Shagrid” whaled Madame Olympe Maxime
by Ne1hypinup fdx May 27, 2023
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A female cleaner or dinner lady from the east end of London, can often be found down the laundrette
“You old cow

“That Pauline is a total cow”

“I’ve had enough of that cow Sharron
by Ne1hypinup fdx May 27, 2023
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An offensively smelly, fury vagina belonging to a male human and several otters
“Suck my fange Steven! you dirty old hog

“I’d love to sniff some fange right now”

“I haven’t washed my fange for weeks”
by Ne1hypinup fdx May 27, 2023
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