22 definitions by Mr. SnowmanPants

This is a form of "meme busting" where you interrupt a person about to have their photo taken by a friend or their cam set to auto while they are planking. Most commonly this interruption is in the form of spanking that persons ass rather hard with with a paddle or other blunt object.

Throwing water on the person is also a hilarious way to "spank their plank".

It is important to remember to have a friend or your own cam set to auto to take a picture of this while you do it. It is very funny if the victim's own camera or friend taking their picture is also in he shot so you can capture their reaction as well.

There are also ways to plank spank that do not involve contact or soiling the victim such as (but not limited too):

Farting near them

Blowing an air horn

Yelling at them "memes are stupid!"

For more details on methods and finding memes to bust see: meme busting
I just got a great shot of me planking spanking a guy in central park.
by Mr. SnowmanPants July 27, 2011
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This is an example of The Adult Entertainment revolution of the early 21st century.

During the emergence and saturation of online adult entertainment from the 1990's to the early 21st century it was believed that the adult entertainment industry in general would finally become a more open and respectable industry.

Unfortunately regulation, advocacy and oversight of adult entertainment still remained as primitive as they had been before the internet and the explosion of new media development that followed.

The most common examples of this exploitation and corruption being the contracting and pay practices of websites such as myfreecams.com, suicidegirls.com, eroticbpm.com, godsgirls.com and websites found on the spookycash.com affiliate program.

Models and photographers had become tired of being exploited and paid unfairly. The altporn industry had once promised reform and fairness but instead of providing these things the websites that had begun the altporn movement were now corrupting the industry and exploiting talent further.
So an effort of Independent adult website content production and co-op companies began to emerge.
Indie Erotica is a new next step in online adult entertainment.
by Mr. SnowmanPants August 4, 2011
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A neo-conservative, Trump Supporter and/or Neo-confederate. The fitting narrative being that they are trapped in a small fantasy world and can easily be wound up or shaken into a blind frenzy.
There are a ton of snowglobes protesting that planned parenthood clinic.
by Mr. SnowmanPants August 31, 2018
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Aids you think you got in a nightmare about having sex with an aids infected person but you wake up and everything is ok. So you get relaxed and fall back to sleep easier.
So it turns out my Sleep Aids turned out to be a real sleep aid after all.
by Mr. SnowmanPants July 21, 2014
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noun, slang

1. The name of an experimental Rock band from Madison Wisconsin.

2. A term for female genitalia.

A Swerve Engine is anything that causes a state of confusion or euphoria. Such as drugs, alcohol or really good sex.
It can also be anything that causes you to be out of control or enraged. Essentially causing you to, "get your swerve on".
"Man my girl has the nicest swerve engine you could ever touch."
by Mr. SnowmanPants September 8, 2011
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This is a car, SUV or truck that was previously used as a rideshare vehicle with a company such as Uber or Lyft. In most cases the extensive damage and service costs caused by regular commercial usage of a vehicle is to much to handle for rideshare drivers. The most common solution being to dump the vehicle off on an unsuspecting buyer as a 'rideshare lemon'.
by Mr. SnowmanPants June 15, 2017
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Meme Busting is the act of interrupting or otherwise ruining another person's attempt at photographing or videoing themselves performing a stupid online meme.

The idea with any good meme bust is to have it videoed or photographed in a way that captures the reaction of the victim and the person taking their video or picture or any near by people if that person is using their own cam on auto.

Common online memes and ways to bust them:


(when busting a planker this is called "planking spanking")

Ways to bust Planking:

Spank the planker with a paddle or blunt object

Yell at them

Throw water on them

Blow an air horn

*Dance mob

(when busting this meme it is called "busting a move")

Ways to bust a dance mob:

Nude streaking through the dance mob

Pretend you are in the dance mob with another person but start to Lumbata or Dagger (both erotic dances) through the dance mob with your partner. You must do this in a way so as to convince anyone watching that what you are doing is actually part of the dance mob.

MIME through the dance mob

*Rick rolling and other photo or vid memes
(When busting these it is called bust rolling)
For these it depends on the buster's own imagination but the idea is to interrupt or disarm the meme and get a reaction.
I just did some awesome meme busting on this dumb dance mob they tried in grand central.
by Mr. SnowmanPants July 27, 2011
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