52 definitions by Mr. Homophobia

The fear of getting someone elses poop in your butt via a cornhole bandit.
That guy must have homophobia. He has a cork in his butt.
by Mr. Homophobia June 10, 2023
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Someone who licks poop off a pole after getting their butt reamed. Normally also known as a Limpy Wristed Fag as they enjoy licking poop. They tend to not care that they are sucking poop as they have a pole in their mouth..
by Mr. Homophobia June 29, 2023
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This type of Butt is so enormous that when it sits down the butt takes on the characteristics of a couch. When one is looking at it the butt is mistaken for a couch when there is no couch present. Normally it belongs to a whale of large stature.
That 700 bohemian whale has a couch butt. I know I saw her sit down.
by Mr. Homophobia June 30, 2023
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A chick that is incredibly fat. Their butts take up the maximum amount of area. They have a six roll that prevents the penis from reaching their twot. They normally weigh at least 500 pound and can be caught getting stuck in their room, unable to escape through the doorway.
That Bohemian Whale got stuck in her room, unable to escape from overeating.
by Mr. Homophobia July 13, 2023
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Someone who wears three masks of the corona virus. They are seen running from stores when you hear a cough. They covering their face with their hands while dropping their shopping cart as they push their way out the door. They yell run it's the RONA.
That Rona Wiger looks like they're freaking out man.
by Mr. Homophobia June 29, 2023
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A circle of 12 naked fags, six of them are butt pirates and six of them are limpy wristed fags. The butt pirates do the rounding the limpy wristed fags get rounded out.
That butt pirate went to a circle jerk and gave 11 fags aids.
by Mr. Homophobia May 31, 2023
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A type of poop that when shitted comes out measuring 36" in length ans is normally not that thick as while shitting it forms a circle in the toilet bowl.
I've been trying to shit a Three Footer all my life.
by Mr. Homophobia June 23, 2023
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