28 definitions by Mr. Dwayne

A legal document signed before marriage to level the playing so that the dominant bread winner (preferrably the male) will not have to worry about his wife strangling him by the balls during a messy divorce.

It assures that at the most, she'll retain the kids, but will not gain any financial liability in the assets of the man that was made either before or during the marriage.

Since 50% of all women have a hidden agenda of gaining finacial stability and a sexual dynamo in a spouse...it regulates that YOU DON'T GET SHIT if we split!!!!!!
(Argument between a husband and wife) Fuck you bitch, since your dumbass signed this pre-nup, that means that I keep the house AND I don't have to put up with your shit. So YOU and YOUR kids can both get the fuck out! I'm THE GODDAMN KING of MY domain!!!
by Mr. Dwayne November 11, 2004
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An old withering aroma associated with old men. It consists of farts that don't smell freshly rotten, funk that smells vintage 1969, dust, moth balls and urine. Often found in the homes and clothes.
Since old people tend to lack nutriance in their olden age, their smell seems to have a faded odor to it.
by Mr. Dwayne July 6, 2005
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The art of bastard-breeding.

Illegitamate children.

The act of having children before marriage.

And if you have too many children before marriage, marriage MAY no longer be an option.
Dawn has two kids, one out of wedlock. She got a quickie Vegas marriage to barely make the last one legitamate.
by Mr. Dwayne November 19, 2004
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One of the most beautiful throwback vehicles Chyrsler ever made. It's a shame they stoped making them. A beautiful car that would be a travesty to drive in a sub par part of town.
My prowler is the greatest investment to date, next to a 61' big screen tv.
by Mr. Dwayne October 21, 2004
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Someone who would make better marriage material than baby momma material.

Someone who you'd likely spend the rest of your life with if you found him or her.

If there were more keepers in the US, the divorce rate would be MUCH lower!!!
Jane has nice legs, ass and thighs, a good job, and she is even more beautiful inside. She's definately a keeper!
by Mr. Dwayne February 20, 2005
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Making wages above $7.00 an hour and below $250,000 a year. Considered anyone of lower and middle class.
A humble person who makes a modest living.
After Joe hit the lotto, he still maintained a blue collar attitude.
by Mr. Dwayne October 18, 2004
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A method used to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Something that most inner city women in impoverished urban areas are alergic to.
Shaquanda just got her goverment check and had a choice of either getting some birth control, or buying a new pair of shoes.

Shaquanda now has two kids with no dad in sight. So guess where her money went?
by Mr. Dwayne February 16, 2005
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